We love to reward your children for good behaviour and super learning! House points Raffle tickets Golden Book Golden time Extra computer time
We will rarely have to use these….. Time out for 5 minutes after 3 warnings Loss of golden time Loss of year 6 responsibilities Excluded from trips or fun activities.
Every half term we will be sending out to parents a curriculum map, which informs you on your child's curriculum for that half term. These curriculum maps contain information about what we are doing in every subject and the theme we are following. This is for your general information so that you are kept informed about what your child is learning about.
Throughout this year your child will be given targets in the following subjects: Maths Writing These targets follow a whole school theme and they progress in difficulty the further up the school your child is. You will receive a copy of these targets with your curriculum map every half term. If you are aware of these targets then you may be able to support your child at home with them. Targets will be assessed ever half term and I feel that it is important for children to self assess themselves also – hence our target boards.
We will be looking to take children on school trips that link to their learning once every term. These have yet to be arranged. We will also take the children on a non-educational trip at the end of the year to say ‘well done’ There will be additional residential trips for children in year 6 Term 1 – Shugborough Term 3 - Devon
We have decided to take a more independent approach to homework for the first term of year 6, to help them develop the skills they need for independent revision in the run up to SATs. Homework Project This will be your child’s main homework for the term and aims to cover many areas of the curriculum. Any work done on the project should be recorded in their homework diary. Maths The children will self assess them selves with guidance from the teacher after each unit. They will identify areas that they feel that they would like further practise on. These can then be done using mymaths lessons and online homework. Reading Children are expected to read for at least 15 minutes every evening. They should fill in what they have read in their homework diary and bring it to school every day.
Spelling This will be given out every week. The sheet should be completed then kept at home for spellings to be learnt. Homework may be ed to me at:
Show interest and give support, it will encourage your child to develop positive attitudes to learning in and out of school. It’s a good ideas that your child has a break and something to eat after coming home from school before starting homework. Ask you child to explain the homework task and how it relates to what they have been doing at school. Help your child become an independent learner. Explain how to find out information or find a word in a dictionary rather simply giving an answer in order to get the task finished. Don’t be tempted to teach your child methods you were taught at school – it will confuse them! Discourage your child from copying notes from books of the internet when doing research at home. Talk about in the information and work out the key facts and help your child write them down as brief notes. A word of warning! We are very keen to get you involved in your child’s learning but please don’t be tempted to correct your child’s homework and make them re-do it. We need to know whether your child understands and can do it independently.
…Not this! Hopefully this…
Try and not to get your child worried about SATs just yet! Focused support will be given to those children who need it from this half term onwards in terms of literacy and numeracy. Revision and booster groups will begin from January. Your child will be sitting practise SATs every half term so that we can assess progress and also get them used to them! SATs meetings will be happening nearer to the time to inform you how you can help and what your child should be doing to prepare.
Residential to Shugborough Residential to Devon Themed weeks that include : road safety, brain awareness; arts week; Themed days that include: world book day; fundraising days Cycling proficiency The all –singing, all dancing year 6 leavers production Leavers prom End of year ‘well done’ trip Sports leaders and learning mentor courses. Media Challenge