Should our school uniform be change? Or is it perfect just the way it is? What do the children think about it?
Dexter is a child that goes to this school he says ‘ I think school uniform is a good thing because it shows discipline although I also like non school uniform because it’s tells you your personality’ Ali Says ‘school uniform makes a child look smarter and more educated whereas non uniform can make a school less disciplined because it can make some children scruffy.’
P.E uniform makes a school look better in sport competitions and other lessons involving sports. Some P.E kits that children bring in are inappropriate for the lesson therefore a school P.E kit would benefit our school greatly. It gives children confidence when representing the school and the team do not feel like the odd one out when all the other schools are in P.E uniform. Lewis brown says “P.E uniform are good because its looks great when we are representing our school in competitions however, I feel more comfortable in my own clothes and trainers and I think I look good too.” School uniform makes a child feel like they’re part of a team. It’s good on school trips because you can get recognised if you’re lost. It give the teacher respect.
For uniformAgainst uniform 49% of pupils think it should stay. 51% of pupils think it should go. 24 schools in London have uniform. 26 schools in London have non uniform. Out of 100 pupils 39% want uniform. Out of 100 pupils 61% of them want non uniform. 27% think the uniform is perfect. 73% think some changes should be made.
School uniform makes a child look smarter and more well presented however year six’s don’t look smart enough because they are head of the school they need to look smart. It helps a child think and encourages, discipline, good behaviour and concentration although uniform can be to hot or too cold therefore non uniform would be better. It is a vital tradition of the educational system but the tradition is very old and changes can be good. School uniform invokes respect in the community yet it has dull colours.
Summer winter Uniform
Judging on the reactions of some school children most of them want non uniform. However most adults think school uniform is better. Should school uniform be banned? Or should, perhaps, school uniform stay as a tradition of our school? It’s up to you!