A YEAR TO REMEMBER May Teacher Ms.Swanner Name Michael Desousa Grade 4 School name Arthur W Edwards A,K,A AWE
Surprise!'' ● The most surprising thing that has ever happened to me was the day when we went on a field trip to the zoo and saw lots of animals but the best part was when it was time to leave we got to ride a train and that surprised me. q=nc+zoo&FORM=HDRSC2&adlt=s trict#x0y0
About This Year Arthur W Edwards ● Ms.Swanner ● Grade 4 ● room 28 ● July ● June ● Ms. Lefler
What A Friend ● Samuel was my true friend this year because he has been my friend since 3 grade and we love to hang out we have a lot in common like halo and soccer so that is why he is my friend
What A Great Field Trip ● My favorite was the YMCA because it was about what you would do here and what you would do if you were in this problem and they tell you how to put on a life jacket and swim and most of all you get to to save someones life but the person in danger is wearing a life jacket arch?q=images+of+ymca&id=1 5DD703E6649F98828D06816D 9B FD&FORM=IQ FRBA&adlt=strict
Changes ● Grown smarter ● Favorite subject changed ● Meet new friends ● New field trips ● New teachers
Congratulations!! ● I Would give my self a science award because I love science and I am one out of 10 or 15 people who love and I mean love science and that award would have only one in class that can do raptor noise. qs=AS&sk=IM2&FORM=QBIR&pq=rapter&sc= 8-6&sp=3&qs=AS&sk=IM2&adlt=strict#x0y1031
My Favorite Subject ● Is Science because I have always loved science since I was 5 and I will do my best to get a good grade in science because I love it ages/search?q=science &FORM=HDRSC2&adlt =strict#x0y4936
Been there!Done that! ● Fun run ● Mn ms stuff ● EOG calculator inactive ● EOG calculator active ages/search?q=eog+te sts&qs=bs&form=QBIR &adlt=strict#x0y440
Why this has been a fun year ● This has been a fun year because we have done lots of projects and have done fun things like bear club ace party and field trips and most of all hanging out with the teacher at school search?q=bear+club+for+ele mentary+schools+&FORM=A WIR&adlt=strict#x0y276
About MY teacher ● My teacher is the best 4 th grade teacher ever because she is awesome and she is super nice and during the EOGS she gives us life savers and smarties. om/images/searc h?q=lifesavers+c andy&qs=IM&for m=QBIR&pq=life sa&sc=8- 6&sp=2&sk=IM1 &adlt=strict mages/search?q=sm arties+candy&qs=IM &form=QBIR&pq=sm arties&sc=8- 8&sp=1&sk=&adlt=str ict
My favorite Project ● My favorite project is the battery project because you take a battery and a wire to make a light bulb light up its fun because its like a puzzle it wont work if you put it the wrong way and you have to put it the right way but its hard because there are so many combinations plus it science and science is my favorite subject so that is why it is my favorite project