Paul Naylor Master Plumbers Association of NSW NATIONAL BACKFLOW PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2016
The Focus for today! “The only thing that remains constant is change” The world of plumbing is not exempt!
What Changes? - Regulation National Construction Code (NCC) - Training Training Packages - Construction IRS - Artibus Innovation Changes to apprenticeship model
The National Construction Code (NCC) Plumbing Regulation WHERE ARE WE AT?
The Plumbing Code of Australia State / Territory Legislation AS 3500 Plumbing and Drainage National Regulators State / Territory Code
The Plumbing Code of Australia ABCB National Construction Code (NCC) Deemed-to-Satisfy Prescriptive Solutions with Assessment Performance Solutions Building Code of Australia BCA Plumbing Code of Australia PCA AS 3500 Plumbing & Drainage
The Plumbing Code of Australia ABCB National Construction Code (NCC) GCA? Performance and Alternative Solutions PCA BCA Building Plumbing Gas Deemed to Satisfy AS 3500 driven PCA driven Increase? Decrease? Acceptable Construction Practices Handbooks
Certificate III in Plumbing The NCC Going Forward At what level does the PCA fit in the Plumbing Training Package? Practitioner Contractor/Design Level? Level? Cerficiate IV in Plumbing & Services (Plumbing Operations) PCA AS 3500 NCC BCA PCA GCA (AS 3500)
The NCC Going Forward What do we need to emphasise to develop the industry’s knowledge of the NCC / PCA? Increase the understanding of the structure and intent of the NCC / PCA. Emphasise the relationship between AS 3500 and PCA, what are alternative solutions, deemed to satisfy and Watermark. How does the practitioner interpret and engage the PCA in practice? State / Territory Regulations in determining the alternative solution process. Is the PCA “a bridge too far for the majority?” The practitioner’s view is that AS 3500 is the bible! If it is Watermarked, is it compliant in AS 3500? Structure of Australian Standards – overly complicated for the practitioner? E.g. Vacuum toilets is a prime example. Need for a “Pathway Guide in Australian Standards AS 3500” – “Step by Step map”. Greater knowledge and information / less technical bureaucracy?
CONSTRUCTION IRC – Artibus Innovation Construction Property Service Industry Skills Council (CPSISC) Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC) Training Packages
CONSTRUCTION IRC – Artibus Innovation Currently: - Developed a one year plan to go forward - 5 Year plans for the future - Establish the Construction IRC Representation: -10 Members from nominating organisations - Up to 5 from public nomination process (ex-officio representatives – no voting rights) - Training Package development and change / updating Construction IRC Construction IRC Activities Steering Committees Technical Advisory Committee
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Specialist Trade Highly regulated Legislated as a special trade in all states and territories Licensed occupation at the trade and contractor level The Plumbing Services industry is one of the largest of the specialist construction trades
Apprenticeships Traditional Trade Apprenticeship model Operational Models: Institutional training / Full time / HECS Blended / Part Time / SBA – VET in schools Workplace learning Commercial delivery to qualification Apprentice Plumbers represent approximately 10% of all trade training
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Apprenticeship Training Options Current arrangement -On the job workplace training -Off the job RTO training -Day release or block release to RTO -Master/Servant relationship -Has it passed its “use by date” with new starters?
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Apprenticeship Training Options Institutional / Full time / HECS -Full time delivery in RTO -No exposure to workplace -HECS to be paid to Federal Government on completion and gaining employment -Currently proposed for post trade qualifications -Royal Australian Engineers Model
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Apprenticeship Training Options Blended / Part time / SBA VET in Schools - Howard Government initiative – Cert III – School Based Apprentices - Rudd Government Trade Schools – Cert II VET in school outcomes, institutional delivery - SBA’s failing due to lack of promotion as an alternative concept - VET in Schools demand institutional delivery only
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Apprenticeship Training Options Workplace learning - Cadetship - On the job training - Study for qualification in cadets own time at RTO - No contribution to training costs by employer - Completion of cadetship subject to students initiative
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Apprenticeship Training Options Commercial Delivery of Qualification -No subsidy from government (no HECS) -No training contract (non apprenticeship model) -Student meets all costs of training -No employer involvement -Once qualification is obtained, registration as tradesperson follows COAG 2006 decision on no requirement for further sign off
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Drivers for Change - Training Package - Industry requirement for workplace evidence gathering - Skills tracker - Training Package - Workplace assessments – the myth !!! - Foundation Skills -Literacy and numeracy skills -Employment skills – communications and job ready skills -Institutional Delivery -Demand v Supply
Changes to Plumbing Apprenticeship Model Questions ? ARE WE SEEING THE START OF THE DEMISE OF APPRENTICESHIPS ??