There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And Hands that shed innocent blood, A hear that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strike among brothers Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And Hands that shed innocent blood, A hear that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strike among brothers Proverbs 6:16-19
1. Sell their Property
2. Keep back a portion of the proceeds
1. Sell their Property 2. Keep back a portion of the proceeds 3. Give the rest of the proceeds to the Apostles
Ananias didn’t sell his property
NOT THAT Ananias didn’t sell his property Ananias didn’t give all the proceeds
NOT THAT Ananias didn’t sell his property Ananias didn’t give all the proceeds IT IS THAT HE LIED!
NOT THAT Ananias didn’t sell his property Ananias didn’t give all the proceeds IT IS THAT HE LIED! About the price of the land
God kills BOTH of them
NOT an angry outburst from Peter
God kills BOTH of them NOT an angry outburst from Peter Demonstration of God’s abhorrence for lies!
The “FOREMOST COMMAND” “Love God” The “second” “Love your neighbor”
The “FOREMOST COMMAND” “Love God” The “second” “Love your neighbor” “Much more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices” (33)
1) No other gods (2) 2) No graven images (3) 3) Not take the LORD’s name in vain (7) 4) Keep the Sabbath (8)
1) No other gods (2) 2) No graven images (3) 3) Not take the LORD’s name in vain (7) 4) Keep the Sabbath (8) 5) Honor your father and mother (12) 6) Not murder (13) 7)Not commit adultery (14) 8) Not steal (15) 9) Not falsely testify (16) 10) Not covet (17)
1) No other gods (2) 2) No graven images (3) 3) Not take the LORD’s name in vain (7) 4) Keep the Sabbath (8) Man’s Relationship With God Man’s Relationship With God 5) Honor your father and mother (12) 6) Not murder (13) 7)Not commit adultery (14) 8) Not steal (15) 9) Not falsely testify (16) 10) Not covet (17)
1) No other gods (2) 2) No graven images (3) 3) Not take the LORD’s name in vain (7) 4) Keep the Sabbath (8) Man’s Relationship With God Man’s Relationship With God Man’s Relationship With Man Man’s Relationship With Man 5) Honor your father and mother (12) 6) Not murder (13) 7)Not commit adultery (14) 8) Not steal (15) 9) Not falsely testify (16) 10) Not covet (17)
Every relationship is built on trust (Eph 4:25)
Can’t have a relationship with a liar
Every relationship is built on trust (Eph 4:25) Can’t have a relationship with a liar Worse for the liar (Hab 2:4)
Every relationship is built on trust (Eph 4:25) Can’t have a relationship with a liar Worse for the liar (Hab 2:4) Even “white liars” (Lk 16:10)
Contrasts what comes before (5:1)
“Of one heart and one soul” (32)
Contrasts what comes before (5:1) “Of one heart and one soul” (32) “Not a needy person among them” (34)
Ananias’s and Sapphira’s lie attacked this very unity!