1979 Chevy Caprice Classic
Problems? It could pass anything on the road, (except a gas station).
Problems? It could pass anything on the road, (except a gas station). You couldn’t keep anything in the trunk, (without it ending up on the road).
Problems? It could pass anything on the road, (except a gas station). You couldn’t keep anything in the trunk, (without it ending up on the road). It pulled pretty hard to the right, (due to an alignment problem).
Matthew 19: st question [from the rich young ruler] “What good thing must I do to get eternal life”
Matthew 19: st question [from the rich young ruler] “What good thing must I do to get eternal life” 1 st answer [from Jesus, in question form] Why do you ask me about what is good?
Matthew 19: st question [from the rich young ruler] “What good thing must I do to get eternal life” 1 st answer [from Jesus, in question form] Why do you ask me about what is good? Obey the commandments
#6…”do not murder”
“WHICH ONES ?” #6…”do not murder” #7…”do not commit adultery”
“WHICH ONES ?” #6…”do not murder” #7…”do not commit adultery” #8…”do not steal”
“WHICH ONES ?” #6…”do not murder” #7…”do not commit adultery” #8…”do not steal” #9…”do not give false testimony”
“WHICH ONES ?” #6…”do not murder” #7…”do not commit adultery” #8…”do not steal” #9…”do not give false testimony” #5…”honor your father and mother”
“WHICH ONES ?” #6…”do not murder” #7…”do not commit adultery” #8…”do not steal” #9…”do not give false testimony” #5…”honor your father and mother” #10…”love your neighbor as yourself”
#1… you shall have no other gods before Me
WHICH ONES AREN’T MENTIONED? #1… you shall have no other gods before Me #2… no graven images
WHICH ONES AREN’T MENTIONED? #1… you shall have no other gods before Me #2… no graven images #3… you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
WHICH ONES AREN’T MENTIONED? #1… you shall have no other gods before Me #2… no graven images #3… you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain #4…remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
“WHAT DO I STILL LACK?” This rich young ruler knew he still lacked something, but what?
“WHAT DO I STILL LACK?” This rich young ruler knew he still lacked something, but what? vs:21 “if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.”
What good can we do to inherit eternal life ?
IS CHRIST TELLING EVERYONE TO SELL EVERYTHING ? What good can we do to inherit eternal life ? Ephesians 2:8-10 “For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith – and not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.
Vs:23&24 It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven IMPOSSIBLE without an alignment adjustment
The master mechanic is looking at a person with an ”alignment problem”
SO WHAT’S HIS POINT? The master mechanic is looking at a person with an ”alignment problem” Vs:22 …”When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth”.
Vs:25…Who then can be saved?
The answer appears in vs:26
Vs:25…Who then can be saved? The answer appears in vs:26 “with man THIS is impossible,”
Vs:25…Who then can be saved? The answer appears in vs:26 “with man THIS is impossible,” THIS refers to working your way to heaven
Vs:25…Who then can be saved? The answer appears in vs:26 “with man THIS is impossible,” THIS refers to working your way to heaven But with God all things are possible…Philippians 4:13… “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength”.
Vs Don’t you just love Peter!
Vs Don’t you just love Peter! What’s in it for us?
Vs Don’t you just love Peter! What’s in it for us? To sit on a throne in heaven, in judgment of the tribes of Israel
Vs Don’t you just love Peter! What’s in it for us? To sit on a throne in heaven, in judgment of the tribes of Israel ONE HUNDRED TIMES AS MUCH AS HE LEFT
Vs Don’t you just love Peter! What’s in it for us? To sit on a throne in heaven, in judgment of the tribes of Israel ONE HUNDRED TIMES AS MUCH AS HE LEFT AND ETERNAL LIFE!!!
In Summary Where does your heart and mind take you?
In Summary Where does your heart and mind take you? What forces are “tugging on“ you, taking your attention off Christ, and his Love for you, his Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace
In Summary Where does your heart and mind take you? What forces are “tugging on “you, taking your attention off Christ, and his Love for you, his Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace Relationship troubles ?
In Summary Where does your heart and mind take you? What forces are “tugging on “you, taking your attention off Christ, and his Love for you, his Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace Relationship troubles ? Health concerns ?
In Summary Where does your heart and mind take you? What forces are “tugging on “you, taking your attention off Christ, and his Love for you, his Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace Relationship troubles ? Health concerns ? Finances ?
In Summary Where does your heart and mind take you? What forces are “tugging on “you, taking your attention off Christ, and his Love for you, his Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace Relationship troubles ? Health concerns ? Finances ? Some sin that you refuse to see as sin ?