Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
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The Purpose of Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Communicating New Life in Christ - Evangelism Cultivating New Life in Christ - Edification Caring for New Life in Christ - Fellowship Celebrating New Life in Christ - Worship
Worship: The Purpose of the Church Selected Scriptures True worship is the missing jewel of the church because it is too often replaced by substitutes
Examples of Improper Worship Form replaces substance resulting in cold, religious liturgy The shallow facsimile of high emotion and energy replaces the substance of truth and holiness Proclamation of good theology devoid of warmth, heart and joy in worship
The Nature of True Worship John 4: The places is not the issue (v. 21) 2.You cannot worship what you do not know (vs. 22) 3.The nature of God is spirit (vs. 24) 4.True worship must be in spirit and in truth (vs. 24)
True Worship is Regenerated in the Spirit The Holy Spirit regenerates (makes alive) the spirit of a person so they can respond to God and worship - (Eph. 2; 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 The Holy Spirit’s ministry to believers includes: intercession, helping, conviction, guidance, revealing truth
True Worship is Regained in Truth Ignorant worship is false worship and is at best just religious attempts to fulfill internal spiritual desires True worship requires truth and therefore sound doctrine - Acts 2:42
True Worship is Reverent in Heart sebomai / sevbwmai - the feeling of awe / devotion in the worship of God - Acts 6:14, 18:7, Mt. 15:8-9 In the Scriptures, “heart” signifies that which is at the center of the life, not just the emotions Feelings are to follow action, not lead them
True Worship is Respectful in Action Many Hebrew words include the idea of bowing low, prostrating oneself as part of worship ( hj9v9 / shachah (worship / bow) + rr1q3 / qadad (bow low) Exod. 12:27 + er1K2 / kara (bow down) Psalm 95:6 + dg1s2 /sagad (prostrate) Isaiah 46:6
True Worship is Respectful in Action Worship includes serving the Lord - Exodus 20:5 - hj9v9 / shachah + db1e2 / abad (Exodus 34:14; Deut. 5:8-9) Bowing before, giving homage to any kind of idol is contrary to God’s commands - worship Him only
True Worship is Respectful in Action Worship - proskunevw / proskuneo = “toward to kiss” - Psalm 2:12; Luke 7:37-38 Septuagint: proskunevw / proskuneo = hj9v9 / shachah = bowing low / worship - Mt. 2:11; 8:2; 15:25; 28:9 Actions of respect are to be accompanied by reverent hearts to be proper worship
True Worship is Rendered in Service Worship was given in the service of the priests & Levites (Numbers 3:7-8; 4:19) & people (Exodus 3:12; Psalm 2:11) latreuvw / latreuo = service of worship Philippians 3:3; Romans 12:1 - Worship occurs as you use your spiritual gifts in ministry
True Worship is Radiated in Proclamation The Psalms were written for worship and they are filled with declarations of God’s character and works Psalm 8 describes the Lord’s glory Psalm 19 proclaims the works and word of God Psalm 34 remembers the Lord’s provision and deliverance
True Worship is Radiated in Proclamation Psalm 50 warns of God’s judgment Psalm 68 is a song about God’s character Psalm 77 & 78 recount God’s dealing with the nation of Israel Psalm 91 declares hope in God’s security and protection Psalm 139 exalts God’s omniscience and omnipresence Psalm 145 praises God’s goodness
True Worship is Radiated in Proclamation Teaching ministry was central in worship in both ancient Israel and in the early church Confession is also an act of worship that proclaims God - He is right, you are wrong - See Joshua 7:19
True Worship is Resounded in Praise To praise is to commend, glorify, express approval – See Psalm 96 Praise requires sacrifice – Heb. 13:15 – of time, focus of thought, pride, selfishness
True Worship is Resounded in Praise Praise that starts as a sacrifice can quickly fill the heart with joy - see Psalm 31, etc.
True Worship is Responds in Prayer Prayer is a natural response of worship in intimate fellowship with God
True Worship is Reflected as Individuals and as a Congregation Whatever occurs in corporate worship is a reflection of the individual worship of those who come 1)Spend daily time in individual worship of God
True Worship is Reflected as Individuals and as a Congregation 2) Prepare for corporate worship before hand: Get ready and rest the night before. 3) Leave early to arrive without rushing God, not the congregation, is the audience of corporate worship
True Worship is Rigorous Work It takes work to set aside the cares of the world to focus on God, pray thoughtfully, give praise, pay attention It takes work to fulfill the Great Commission to the glory of God
True Worship is Rigorous Work Evangelism, edification & fellowship are all acts of worship of God in the effort to increase proper worship
True worship is Regenerated in the Spirit Regained in Truth Reverent in heart Respectful in Action Rendered in Service Radiated in Proclamation
True worship is Resounded in Praise Responds in Prayer Reflected both as Individuals & as a congregation Rigorous work
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ