INTRODUCTION In august of 1961 was built a wall that separated Germany in East Germany or German Democratic Republic and West Germany or German Federal Republic. This wall was built to prevent that some Germans who disagreed with the communist regime migrated from East Germany to West Germany, but Walter Ulbricht, the President of the Council of State of the German Democratic Republic, said that it was an anti-fascist protection wall.
Since June of 1962, the East Germans could only cross the frontier at the end of the year. The wall was constantly expanded and the control system was perfected. It had a length of 155 kilometers and a height of 4 m. Besides, the frontier was protected by a metal fence, alarm cables, trenches to prevent the passage of vehicles, 300 watchtowers and thirty bunkers.
On august of 1989, Hungary removed his physical frontier defences with Austria, and tens of thousands of East Germans escaped from Hungary to Austria and then to West Germany. Since then, the Berlin Wall became less important.
On November of 1989, the citizens of the two Germanys demolished the wall without impediments from the government. One year later, the East Germany and the West Germany were united and formed an only Germany.
This is a picture of the divisions of Germany after the First World War: The East Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union and the West Germany by United Kingdom, United States and France.