SENIORS: CLASS OF 2015 Pathways to Possibilities and Student Success
Important Graduation Dates! Graduation: June 13, 2015 All transcript requests are done online! Order your transcripts through: Cap and Gowns: Order from Balfour (they will be at school periodically to sell) 1 st night Tuesday, Sept. 18th (Back to School Night) Yearbooks can be purchased all year. Contact Mr. Mazzie. Senior Picture Makeups: 15 th of September after school. Must call for a Lifetouch appointment, , Citrus Heights (if enough students need makeups, they will come to school) Don’t forget your baby pictures for yearbook!
Workshops for College Applications: Help with UC, CSU & Common Aps Weds/Thurs 10-8 and 10-9: 4 th block & 2:30-3:30pm Tues/Thurs and 10-16: 4 th block & 2:30-3:30pm College Essay Writing Workshop: Sept 22, 2:30-4pm Sierra College Career Technical Ed: Oct 3rd (Rocklin Trip) THS COLLEGE FAIR, October 7, 5-7pm, Cafeteria UNR COLLEGE FAIR, November 3, Noon to 4 pm STEAM Fair, November 6th, 5-7pm, THS SENIOR WORKSHOPS/FAIRS 2014
DUKE + GEORGETOWN + HARVARD + PENN + STANFORD Student/Parent Information Sessions : Reno, NV Sunday, September 28, 7:30pm Reno Ballroom 401 N Center Street Reno, NV
Community Service Requirement AS part of your graduation requirements, ALL seniors must perform a minimum of 16 hours of Community Service. Service is described as: Not graded, off campus, not during school hours, no compensation and it benefits the community. The community service activity form can found on the THS website and can be downloaded. Community Service Opportunities are always posted in the Daily Bulletin and on the Community Service Wall in the SAC.
NAVIANCE: FAMILY CONNECTION This is your “go-to” place for researching colleges and managing your college list. Personality test and career information Scholarship postings (also in SAC) I need to register
All students received unofficial transcripts and requirement checklists in Student Success class. Double check that all credits are completed or in progress. (refer to student planner for details on requirements) Have a strong academic year! High School and A-G requirements
“A Road Map of the Senior Year” Use the Senior “To Do” Calendar Oops! We did make some minor changes, so please follow along and take notes on your 12 th Grade Calendar handout!
Start with: (August) Reading the daily bulletin EVERY Day at school or online at Familiarize yourself with your planner – school policies, important dates, etc. Check application deadlines for any colleges you are considering. Update your coursework and grades at Please attend Back-to-School night September 18 th, 6pm-8pm. Review your course schedule and verify that you are on pace for graduation! (meeting A-G requirements).
September Register for October/November ACT/SAT. Make sure your Spring schedule of classes include career/college/major admissions requirements. Surf the internet to locate college and financial aid information. (Naviance) Work on your college essay draft. Get applications for colleges you wish to attend. Progress reports will be mailed in late September.
October Register for December ACT/SAT. Begin application process for CSU & UC Schools. Attend College Fairs and make last visits to campuses. Attend College/Career Night at TTHS on October 7 th. Located in the cafeteria from 5m-7pm. Begin submitting forms for private sources of financial aid. First term grades will be mailed home in late October. Obtain letters of recommendations, be sure to provide a senior profile.
November Apply to CSU & UC campuses. Deadline is November 30 th ! Have your transcripts sent to requesting colleges! ( & select Transcripts Request link).
December Check College Online Messages (Portal). Provide social security number to Registrar for GPA verification for Cal Grants. Apply for PIN to use with FAFSA. ( Download & begin working on the FAFSA on the web worksheet for Federal financial aid. PARENTS: Get your taxes done early to be ready for the FAFSA on Jan. 1. Make last visits to colleges during vacation. Begin to send in independent college/university applications. Progress grades will be mailed out in early December. Secondary school report request.
January Check College Online Messages (Portal). Electronically file FAFSA. Inquire about learning opportunities such as community colleges. If required by colleges, request 7 th semester (after Term 2) transcripts to be sent. ( & select Transcript Request link) Provide social security number to Registrar if not done in December. Check in with colleges’ financial aid offices to see if THEY have scholarships! Term 2 grades will be mailed home in late January.
February Check College Online Messages (Portal). Electronically file FAFSA if you haven’t done so in January (Must be done by March 2 nd ). Pursue scholarship information and apply for those that you are qualified for. Make sure you have submitted your social security number to the Registrar. Follow specific campus guidelines regarding housing. Check in the SAC for local scholarship information. Term 3 progress grades will be mailed in mid- February. Take CSU Math/English placement tests if applicable.
March Check College Online Messages (Portal). Sign up for AP Test(s) if applicable. Apply to community colleges; take placement exams. Begin to plan your summer work, school, or volunteer opportunities. Don’t delay on housing deposit! Check in SAC for local scholarship deadlines. Term 3 grades will be mailed in late March.
April Check College Online Messages (Portal). Register for summer classes? (if needed) Review college acceptance letters & financial aid offers and make financial decision. Return intent to register forms to your chosen college before May 1 st. Notify colleges you are not attending. Send in deposit for college & housing. Check in the SAC for local scholarship deadlines. Community College applicants need to apply, assess, & attend orientation if you haven’t done so already.
May Check College Online Messages (Portal). ATHLETES: to play college athletics, you must be certified by the NCAA ( Take AP Exams if applicable. Take Analytical Writing Placement Exam if attending UC in the fall. Register for summer programs at college campuses. Return forms for on-campus orientation programs. Thank those who helped you succeed! Plan for high school graduation. Don’t succumb to Senioritis! Term 4 progress reports will be mailed in early May.
JUNE Check College Online Messages (Portal). Congratulations!!! GRADUATE! June 13 th, Request that your final transcript be sent to your chosen college. ( & select Transcript Request link) Term 4 grades will be mailed late June. Diplomas will be available in late June. The next chapter of your life begins.
HERE’S THE MONEY! Current data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
SHOW ME THE MONEY! Where do I start? What options do I have? Loans vs Scholarships/Grants Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Speak with a financial aid advisor!
Information you need to complete the FAFSA Student and Parent Social Security number Your driver’s license number Your Alien registration number if you are not a US citizen Federal tax information or tax returns including IRS W-2 information, for student and parents
A few weeks after completing the FAFSA, you’ll receive your Student Aid Report. This report includes your Expected Family Contribution EFC # (how much the government believes you and your family should contribute toward your education). Usually in April, you will receive an award letter, or a statement on your college portal, from the schools you’ve applied to. The award letter outlines grants, scholarships, Work-Study programs and federal loans. Remember, you don’t have to accept all the aid you are offered…lowest cost options and borrow only when necessary… Finding out how much aid you qualify for
Counseling and Career Counseling Tab, then click on Links: