Lucy and Alex
Samuel Richardson, Pamela Appealed to the growing cult of sensibility A taste for the sentimental & emotional THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOVEL
Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling Presented scenes of English life from the hovels of London to the houses of the aristocracy Emphasized action rather than inner feeling & morals Attacked the hypocrisy of the age THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOVEL
Moved even further from religion-infused history than the Renaissance did: almost entirely secular Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Edward Gibbon Portrayed Christianity as the reason for the fall of the Roman Empire THE DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORY WRITING
The Age of Louis XIV by Voltaire Not just a commentary on the life of Louis, but also the economic, social, and intellectual movements of the time Began modern idea of social history THE DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORY WRITING
Candide Satirized Optimism and Religion Reflected enlightenment disillusion with religion (especially the idea of rebirth after death) VOLTAIRE
The Social Contract Harmonized individual liberty with governmental authority Society is governed by the general will ROUSSEAU
Emile One of the Enlightenment’s most important works on education Emphasis on sentiment made him a precursor to the Romantic movement ROUSSEAU
-Historical writings reflected the secularization of the environment -Literary works (such as Candide) allowed enlightenment authors to express their discontent with the government, religion, and society - Novels provided entertainment through the depiction of daily life as well as emotional stories that evoked empathy CONNECTION TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT