Empirical Research Study and Video Michael Rebong Heather Romanowski Leslie Reyes
OCEAN video WbQ WbQ
Subclinical Inclination toward Manic- Depression and Creative performance on the Remote Associates Test E.M. Fodor
Method Participants: 335 students from Clark University Students were broken up into groups of 20 according to their level of manic-depressive inclination
Tests Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III) – Used to determine the level of inclination in participants towards manic-depressive disorder Remote Associates Test of Creativity (RAT) – Used to determine the level of creativity among participants Mood Scale by Downey and Feldman (1996) – Used to determine if mood was affected after the writing exercise
Procedure Coin flipped to randomize participants Relaxation exercise given to equalize prior moods Asked to write about either: – A specific instance of peak performance – How they organized and sequenced their activities in an ordinary day
Results Mood scores for people who wrote on peak performance vs. ordinary day activities were not significantly different Those with manic-depressive inclinations scored higher on the RAT then all other participants – The second highest RAT scores were from the manic-depressive inclined participants who wrote on their ordinary day experiences