Lord’s Letters: Rv.2-3 I. Is There A Standard?
Standard Something established for use as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring or judging capacity, quantity, content, extent, value, quality, etc. We cannot say something is wrong w/o appealing to some standard
If there is no standard, anything goes Most agree on moral standard, but exclude one in religion “Mechanical music helps worship “There are many ways to heaven” “I believe we should be tolerant
If there is a standard, there is a God God holds us accountable Ro.3:4 Jn.17:17 Jn.12:48
A comparison “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him – the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” – The Great Physician “He who rejects me, and does not receive my remedy, has that which judges him – the prescription that I have given will judge him in his last day” – A physician
II. What Is The Standard? I. Is There A Standard?
Mt.7:21-23 It is not enough to be religious… Mt.28:18 Lk.23:7 Ro.2:2, 8 Not only believe truth, but obey it
Mt.7:21-23 Mt.28:18 Ro.2:2, 8 Ga.1:8-9 Turn from truth: accursed Tit.2:15 “Right or authority to command; rebuke w. complete authority” Jd.3, the last word “Pertaining to a single occurrence and decisively unique, once and for all”
Application: Churches “One church is as good as another” “We have to join some denomination” “Don’t need church to be saved” Doctor?Wife?Mechanic? Who made this rule? Fact or wishful thinking?
II. What Is The Standard? I. Is There A Standard? III. What Does The Standard Say?
Acts 2, Jerusalem Message, 36 Reaction,37 Commands, 38 Promise, 39 Exhortation, 40 Reception, 41 Standard, 42 Collectivity, 47 Ac.5:11; 8:1 – “church” in Jerusalem Which denomination? Scholars: no such thing!
Acts 11, Antioch Spoke word, 19 (= Acts 2) Believed and Turned Barnabas (22-23) “Church” at Antioch (25-26) (Ac.2:47) Ac.11:21, 23, 26 1 Th.1:1, 9 People in Antioch turned to Lord: church in Antioch People in Thes. turned to Lord: church in Thes.
Belonged to Lord, 1 Th.1:1, 2:14 They did not Change terms of entrance, Ac.2:47 2. Wear names that glorify men, Ro Organize into denominations, 1 Co.1 4. Offer unscriptural worship, Ep.5:19 5. Turn to recreation, Col.3:17
God’s standard condemns deviations Division, 1 Co.1 False teaching, 2 Co.11:3-4, Pergamos, Rv.2:12-16
Inspector, Rv.2:12 Hb.4:12 1.Commendation, 13 2.Condemnation, Choices, 16 Balaam Pergamos Nicola.