Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service CAMS General Assembly, Athens, June 2016 Thomas Popp (DLR for CAMS-94 User Interaction) Who are CAMS users today?
2 Main user categories Interim / downstream users of … … global and regional boundary condition forecasts … emission databases, NRT fire products Direct users of … … atmospheric composition re-analysis, NRT for science … policy-relevant assessments … value-added GHG and aerosol forcing services … radiation products for solar energy inside
3 Where are our users? (MACC-III)
4 Where are our users? (CAMS reanalysis active in 2016)
5 Who are our users? – Numbers evolution Service Number of Users/ Requests for data 1/1/2015 Number of Users/ Requests for data 1/4/2016 Latest updates (1/6/2016) Global atmospheric composition NRT analyses & forecasts 255 users 506 users538 users European Air quality NRT analyses & forecasts 155 users 277 users Global atmospheric composition reanalysis 1600 users 2256 users2621 users Greenhouse gas fluxes40 users121 users139 users Solar Radiation~1000 requests / year ~3000 requests / year Users of the ftp service for global products 40 users 59 users74 users Anthropogenic and fire emissions 1773 users (716 institutes)2200 users (800 institutes) User queries tracking system318 requests551 requests725 requests
6 Who are our users? – Numbers evolution
7 CAMS as core service: free and easy use
8 CAMS supports operational services: WMO SDS- WAS Surface concentration from 6-Apr :00 to 9-Apr :00 Surface concentration from 6-Apr :00 to 9-Apr :00
9 Global public information Record Indonesian wildfire emissions 2015
10 Aerosol users regional AQ for their boundary conditions WMO regional node for sand and dust storm forecasting climate forcing calculations (CAMS74) and other similar research usage solar surface radiation climatologies a new potential user: improved atmospheric corrections for Sentinel-2 Further tentative users aviation as sea spray may be a hazard to aircraft sea salt could affect wind energy production
11 Greenhouse gas users Research scientists -> publications for wider outreach ~ 15 institutes for the 3 species (CO2, CH4, N2O) outstanding high power users IPCC WG 1 Global Carbon Project (for CO2 only) CAMS provides the longest CO2 reanalysis of the surface measurements ( ) one of the highest horizontal global resolution (currently 3.75 deg x 1.9 deg) for IPCC: the only satellite-based CH4 reanalysis
12 New Climate Forcing service users Main user types: academics/researchers Numbers: ~5-20 Outstanding user: IPCC plan to extend towards policy makers and NGOs RFMIP, AerChemIP and DCPP pdfhttp:// pdf UNFCCC, the aim “to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century” (article 4 of the Paris Agreement) can be understood as a stabilization of the forcing by well-mixed greenhouse gases. CAMS74 can contribute to monitor progress towards this goal. IPCC AR6, 1.5°C special report A graduate student at Princeton University “I'm a graduate student at Princeton University. My current project focuses on the effect of air pollution on surface radiation. I have researched on several reanalysis and satellite-derived products. MACC interests me in that the aerosol radiative forcing product provides attributions of the forcing to anthropogenic and natural aerosols, which no other products (NASA's or NOAA's) provide according to my knowledge. I was wondering if more detailed calculated radiation, e.g. direct and diffusive radiative forcing due to anthropogenic and natural aerosols, is available in your dataset. If so, is it possible for me to get access? It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide more insights on the uncertainty and caveats of using these data.” Answer: Radiative forcing on direct and diffuse fluxes is not included, but we could consider adding those terms in the version to be released in August For uncertainties and caveats, Charles has been directed to Bellouin et al. (2013).
13 Usage of European air quality ensembles (ftp server) 2016 Quarter 1 Number of files delivered577,446 Number of users (or IP used)97 Volumetry of data exchanged (Gigabyte)2,229 Use of ENS in NETCDF format (%)33,67% Use of ENS in GRIB2 format (%)21,67% Number of registered users (European AQ NRT analyses and forecasts) 277 A testimonial "We use the CAMS Regional Ensemble forecast as boundary conditions for our local high-resolution city-scale dispersion model ADMS-Urban, as part of the airTEXT air quality forecasting service for London and South East England. We need NO, NO2, ozone and NMVOC from CAMS for the NOX chemistry scheme in our model.„
14 Radiation service users
16 Who are our users? – Numbers (MACC-III, 1/1/2015) ServiceNumber of Users/ Requests for data Global NRT Analyses & Forecasts225 users Regional NRT Analyses & Forecasts155 users Global Reanalysis1600 users GHG flux inversions40 users Solar Radiation~1000 requests/year Global ftp40 users Emissions, fire1773 users (716 institutes) User queries tracking system318 items until 8/1/2015
17 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change –AR5 (2013), Chapter 7: “The best estimate [of RFari] is taken as –0.35 Wm –2. This is the same as the AeroCom II model estimate, and also the average of the Myhre (2009) observationally-based estimate (–0.3 Wm –2 ) and the Bellouin et al. (2013) reanalysis estimate (–0.4 Wm –2 ).” –“The 5–95% range of RFari adopted in this assessment employs the Bellouin et al. (2013) uncertainty to account for retrieval error in observational quantities when constrained by global models”. International research community New Climate Forcing service users
18 Who are our users? – categories (MACC-III)