Chad By: Tanner Jacob Third Grade Horseshoe Trails
Chad The capital of Chad is N’Djamena, Africa. The borders by Chad are Niger, Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, Cameroon, and Nigeria. The population for Chad is 7,977,000. The square miles for Chad is 495,755. The most important landform in Chad is Lake Chad.
Chad The plants in Chad are prairies. The animals in Chad are elephants, lions, buffalo, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, antelopes, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, snakes, and birds. Zaloumi National Park is a man made structure in Chad and is almost 1200 square miles in size. The Natural resources are petroleum, uranium, natronkaolin, gold lime stone, sand and gravel, and salt.
1920 is a interesting time period in Chad. The military is important in 1920 because France had control of the colony and incorporated it as part of the French Equatorial Africa. What happened was French ruled in Chad was characterized by an absence of policies to unify the territory and sluggish modernisation. Chad
The currency of my country is called Franc. French, Arabic, Sara Sango and there are more than 100 different languages. My countries National Anthem is called La Tchadienne. It is in French. Monarchy is Chad’s government.
Chad President Idress Deby is Chad’s leader. Chad’s culture is Chadian and they enjoy holidays like Easter Monday, and the Muslim holidays of Eid Ul-Fitr, Eid ul- Adha, and Eid Milad Nnab.
Chad Most people participate in the Muslim religion. I didn’t know really anything about Chad but my two main things I learned was the capital and the animals.