Hindu gods Supreme reality = Brahman He is eternal and source of life – he is in everything but invisible (like salt water) However, Hindus worship many gods/goddesses – they are all representations of Brahman Different gods/goddesses represent different aspects of Brahman Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Can you name any of the other deities? Advantages and disadvantages of having many gods/goddesses
Cycle of life and death Reincarnation – born into another form after death Samsara – cycle of life, death and rebirth Aim: to escape samsara and have one’s soul reunited with Brahman (moksha) Karma – law of cause and effect – how does this relate to samsara? BirthLifeDeathBirthLifeDeath Samsara The aim: to reach moksha and escape the cycle
The caste system Caste system – system of social classes in Hindu culture, based on the roles people have within society. (the groups are known as varnas) Some people feel the caste system should be abolished Others feel it can have a useful part to play within society Some Hindus believe that the caste that you are born into is an indication of karma built up in past lives – if you are born into a good caste, this is a sign of good karma What are the advantages and disadvantages of the caste system?
Stages in Life To attain moksha, need to fulfil particular duties during each particular stage of life (ashrama) 4 ashramas: Student Householder/parent Retirement Sannyasin Why do you think some Hindus choose not to fulfil all ashramas?
Stages in Life 4 life aims: 1) Dharma – fulfilling one’s religious, personal and social duty 2) Artha – earning wealth honestly 3) Karma – achieving rightful desires of the senses through action 4) Moksha – breaking free from the cycle of reincarnation What are the advantages of having set aims?
Hindu Worship Worship is showing respect to Brahman all throughout life- not just at a set time of the day/week In Hinduism ‘worship’ can take many forms: it may the through a specific act of worship e.g. puja), a lifestyle choice (e.g. respecting others as they are part of Brahman) or developing one’s talents (as you are using them to make the world a better place). Common forms of worship: Yoga – specific exercise to control body and mind Meditation – breathing techniques/sounds to help focus on the divine Why might some people say these are helpful/unhelpful forms of worship?
Hindu Worship: Puja Puja = ‘worship’ Can be carried out in the home alone/with family or in the Mandir with other worshippers What are the advantages/disadvantages of this flexibility? Enables worshippers to honour and focus on particular gods through murtis (images/statues of the gods) Are images helpful? Multi-sensory – involves the use of sight, taste, smell etc. What might the advantages/disadvantages be of this?
Divali Festival of lights Festival celebrating the victory of good over evil. Also honours the goddess of wealth Time for people to reflect in preparation for the new year ahead. Many will pray to Lakshmi for a prosperous new year
Gandhi Longed for an end to inequality and prejudice. Fought for: Independence for India End to the caste system Pacifist – engaged in non-violent protest and activities to bring about change Did Gandhi approach things in the right way? Was he right to demand change?