500’ S MAGIC Fulfill Your Dream This system allows you to get help from a lot of people can be successful With
WHAT WE DO? HELLO Every body The Humanity Project is non Govt. and non-profit social community for believers that the world cannot change with one person’s actions alone – we must unite, Our objective is to optimize the ways in which a non-profit organization operates by working our best to ensure 100% of donated peer to peer directly back into the community. We believe that this can be achieved through community donations of both time and resources to eliminate financial administrative burdens. We believe in open honesty in regards to all of our records (contributions, donations, expenses, etc.) and open them to the public, so supporters clearly understand where resources are allocated. When it comes to the greater good of our cause, there should be nothing to hide. Our mission is to inspire like-minded individuals to join our cause and help us achieve improvement in our societies. We hope that you join the revolution for a more kind, caring and compassionate human care evolution
MISSION OF 500' S MAGIC We all create their own successful network marketing to be financially independent and we all work together and to care for those disadvantaged individuals to work and to improve their quality of life to help हम सब लोगों को अपने ही सफल नेटवर्क विपणन बनाने के लिए और आर्थिक रूप से स्वतंत्र हो जाने के लिए ही हम सब मिलकर काम करते हैं, और उन वंचित व्यक्तियों की देखभाल के लिए काम करने के लिए और उनके जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करने में मदद करने के लिए
A TRY For your work What makes you a donations You Owen Business Your Home You Owen car
CROWD FUNDING IN – U S A. Crowd funding has been promoted as a way to change the current political fundraising system. Rather than raising most funds from a wealthy few, crowd funding allows the general public to fundraise equally well by pooling small donations made my many. It’s an old concept that’s been given a new, digital platform. Crowd funding in political campaigns became popular with President Obama’s presidential bid in 2008, but it was his reelection campaign in 2011 that really displayed its power. That year, 72 percent of Obama’s fundraising total of $118.8 million was raised by donations of less than $1,000, and 48 percent came from donations of $200 or less. Romney’s numbers were 18 percent and 9 percent, respectively. Romney raised more money from the wealthy few, but Obama raised more money from the many, and he won both the fundraising game - by about $60 million - and the election.2011 On behalf of :-
OPPORTUNITIES pay your sponsors Rs.500 for joining 500magic you
FRIST LEVEL you Refer two person And collect =1000
NEXT STEP Your sponsor Pay for UPGRAID to 2nd level You donate 500 to 1 st level Your profit =500 you
2 ND LEVEL INCOME you Four person donate to you Rs. 500, your profit- 500 x 4 = 2000/-
UPGRADE & INCOME CHART you Level 1 st – 2 x 500 = 1000 – 500 = your income Rs. 500/- Level 2nd – 4 x 500 = 2000 – 1000 = your income Rs. 1000/- Level 3 rd – 8 x 1000 = 8000 – = 4000, your income Rs. 4000/- Level 4 th – 16 x 3000 = – = 8000, your income Rs / Your sponsor Pay Rs.500 Pay Rs Pay Rs.3000 Pay Rs
UPGRADE & INCOME CHART you Your sponsor Level 5 th – 32 x 6000 = – = 16000, your income Rs /- Pay Rs Pay Rs Pay Rs Pay Rs Level 6 th – 64 x = – = 32000, your income Rs /- Level 7 th – 128 x = – = 64000, your income Rs /- Level 8 th – 256 x = – = , your income Rs /- Level 9 th – 512 x = , your income Rs /- Hurray……….Your Total income Rs. 6,52,77500/-
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