different kinds of animals created by Antonio
a is for anteater Anteaters have very long tongues.
b is for buck B ucks live in the forest.
c is for cheetah Cheetah’s are the fastest animals in the world.
d is for dingo Dingoes live in Australia.
e is for elephant E lephants are one of the most strongest animals.
f is for frog Frogs can jump really far.
g is for goat Goats live on farms.
h is for horse Horses are used to race in horse races.
I is for iguana Iguanas are green.
j is for jaguar Jaguars are covered in spots.
k is for kangaroo Kangaroos are very good boxers.
l is for leoprd There many different kinds of leopards.
m is for monkey Monkeys are great climbers.
n is for night hawk A nighthawk is a type of a bird.
o is for ostrich Ostriches are the fastest birds in the world.
p is for parrot Parrots can talk.
q is for quail Quails have a weird thing on there head.
r is for rabbit Rabbits are furry.
s is for shark S harks are carnivores.
t is for turtle Turtles hide in there shells when in danger.
u is for unicorn Unicorns are mythical creatures.
v is vampire bat Vampire bats only come out at night.
w is for whale Whales are the largest mammals in the world.
x is for x ray fish X-ray fish are cool.
y is for yak A wild yak doesn’t reach full size until six to eight years..
z is for zebra When in danger zebras hit their enemies with their hooves.