Fastest Animal On Land !!!!!!!! Ethan, John, Michael 5/20/16 Clinton Middle School 6 th grade Science Mrs. Miller
Classification for a Cheetah Kingdom Anomalies Phylum Chordates Class Mammalians Order Carnivores Family Felidae Genus Acinonyx Species Acinonyx jubatus
A Cheetah’s Characteristic Structures It is a mammal, It has: -fur -hair -lungs -birth live offspring -feed young with milk
Cheetahs Basic Functions Eats gazelles, spring box, impalas, wilder beasts, zebras, and, hares Depends on speed, claws, and teeth for defense Moves move usually by walking, to catch prey or avoid danger they will run Resources include is food, water, and oxygen
Cheetahs Responding to the Environment IIt is endothermic(warm- blooded) IIts body temperature stays at 98.6 IIt pants when it is to hot IIt shivers when it is cold
Cheetahs Physical Response to Environmental Stimuli My animal: -blinks -shivers -pants
What do Cheetahs do when cope in changes in their environment It tries to find a new habitat or just dies It does not hibernate or migrate They use camouflage to blend in with the grass plains
A Cheetah’s Internal Stimuli If it is hungry goes and hunt If it is thirsty it goes and get water If it is sleepy then it goes to sleep
Cheetahs behaviors It uses speed, and great hunting skills They might learn how to capture an animal They have their feline hunter instincts and at the same time they learn by seeing their mothers
Interesting Facts Run up to 70 mph in sprints of less than one minute They have tawny fur with black spots over the entire body except the throat and stomach, which are white TThey are 4.5 feet their tails add another 30 inches TThe average weight is 80 to 140 pounds
References TThe Cheetah (by: Lisa Harkrader) h d=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=gooo h MMrs. Miller