Mak Jie Ying 25 & 26 Jul 2016 Tools for your Biological Sciences Research (Life Sciences Year II Students)
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Citations & Plagiarism Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 2
NUS Libraries Portal ( 3
& LINC 4 What is the difference between FindMore & LINC?
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Plagiarism & Citations Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 5 Identify database based on topic Develop search strategy Select relevant articles Obtain full text of identified articles Import citations Write assignment with references Assignment Cycle
Types of Information Sources Information SourcesExamples (Science) Primary Sources Presents the original research information and empirical data. Experimental results Theses & Dissertations Conference Proceedings Journal articles Secondary Sources Review or restate information in Primary Sources or other Secondary Sources. Review articles Bibliographies Databases Tertiary Sources Provides overviews of topics by synthesizing information gathered from other sources. Dictionaries Encyclopedias Textbooks 6 VideoVideo on the introduction to information sources
Types of Information Sources 7 Image from: California State University LibraryCalifornia State University Library Secondary Sources Tertiary SourcesPrimary Sources VideoVideo on the information cycle
Recommended Online Resources 8 Type of InformationRecommended E-Resource Multi-disciplinary Bibliographic Databases Web of Science Web of Science / ScopusScopus Biomedical & Life Sciences BIOSIS Previews Animal Biology & Taxonomic Reference Zoological Record Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Healthcare & Life Sciences PubMed (MEDLINE) Embase Experimental Protocols and Demonstration Videos Springer Protocols Wiley Current Protocols JoVEJoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Chemical Substance Structure / Properties & Reaction Searching ReaxysReaxys / SciFinder (registration)SciFinder (registration) Newspaper Articles / Local Content FactivaFactiva / Lexis-Nexis / NewspaperSGLexis-NexisNewspaperSG
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Plagiarism & Citations Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 9 Identify database based on topic Develop search strategy Select relevant articles Obtain full text of identified articles Import citations Write assignment with references Assignment Cycle
Types of Database Searches Keyword / Phrase Search e.g. Using “horseshoe crab” in Web of Science /Google Field Search e.g. Using Raffles Bulletin of Zoology in the Publication Name field in Zoological Record Subject Heading / Thesaurus Search e.g. Using neoplasms (instead of cancer) as a MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) term in PubMed 10
Boolean Connectors OR - either of the terms may be present - used for broadening a search - e.g. roundworms OR nematodes AND - both terms must be present - used for narrowing a search e.g. parasites AND intestine NOT - eliminate an unwanted concept or word e.g. parasites NOT flatworms ( ) – grouping words or phrases and specifying the order in which Boolean operations occur when multiple operations are present e.g. (A OR B) AND C A OR (B AND C) 11
Exact vs. Wildcard Search “ ’’- searches the exact phrase enclosed within the quotes e.g. “avian influenza” * - represent any group of characters or no characters (useful for representing various forms of a term) e.g. biol* - for biology, biological, biologist, biologists ? - represent any single character (useful for singular/plural forms) e.g. cat? - for cat, cats $ - represent one character or no characters e.g. behavio$r, colo$r, vapo$r (useful for finding both British & American spellings) Note: Wildcards and usage are dependent on the database 12
Construction of Search Statement Step 1: Identify concepts/keywords mutation of saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7 Step 2: Generate alternative terms, synonyms, abbreviations mutation: mutagen, mutate, alteration, modification saccharomyces cerevisiae: S. cerevisiae Step 3: Construct search statement (initial search) (muta* OR alter* OR modif*) (“saccharomyces cerevisiae” OR “S. cerevisiae”) D7 13 AND
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Plagiarism & Citations Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 14 Identify database based on topic Develop search strategy Select relevant articles Obtain full text of identified articles Import citations Write assignment with references Assignment Cycle
BIOSIS Previews Demo Research Topic: Mutation of saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7 (muta* OR alter* OR modif*) AND (“saccharomyces cerevisiae” OR “S. cerevisiae”) AND D7 15
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Plagiarism & Citations Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 16 Identify database based on topic Develop search strategy Select relevant articles Obtain full text of identified articles Import citations Write assignment with references Assignment Cycle
Online Database Guides & Resources Biological & Life Sciences Subject Guide PubMed Tutorial Embase Support Web of Science Training (includes BIOSIS Previews & Zoological Record) Scopus Support Hub
Library Proxy Stem/Bookmarklet 18 Installing the NUS Libraries Proxy Bookmarklet: FAQ: FAQ: Enables access to full-texts of subscribed journal articles on any page that requires users to pay
Accessing Full-Text via Google Scholar Setting up NUS Libraries access in Google Scholar: FAQ: FAQ: Alternate direct link:
Accessing Articles in Physical Journals 20 Visit our FAQ on requesting a Closed Stacks itemFAQ Note the publication details Perform a search in LINC Locate the right volume and issue of the journal
21 Quiz Time! Upon clicking the button on the right, enter the room name “BIOLOGY” in the popup browser window to access the quiz. Results will be presented LIVE after the quiz! Click here for the quiz!
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Plagiarism & Citations Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 22 Identify database based on topic Develop search strategy Select relevant articles Obtain full text of identified articles Import citations Write assignment with references Assignment Cycle
Plagiarism What is Plagiarism? A piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and presented as being your own work. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th Ed.) The act of taking someone’s words or ideas as if they were your own. Avoiding Plagiarism CIT Preventing Plagiarism site Proper citation of information sources turnitin software Plagiarism Spectrum
Citations & Bibliography Two places to cite the references you have used: within a sentence (in-text citation) at the end of the document (bibliography/references) 24 Bibliography/Reference 4. Ding JL, Navas III MA, Ho B. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of factor C cDNA from the Singapore horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol 1995; 4: 90 Bibliography/Reference 4. Ding JL, Navas III MA, Ho B. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of factor C cDNA from the Singapore horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol 1995; 4: 90 In-text Citation …Mangrove horseshoe crab ( Cacinoscorpius rotundicauda ) was recently developed (4) In-text Citation …Mangrove horseshoe crab ( Cacinoscorpius rotundicauda ) was recently developed (4)
Citation Styles & Bibliographic References Citation/Reference Styles Author-Date, Author-Number style APA style (American Psychological Association) Vancouver style (Council of Science Editors) Journal-specific styles (e.g. Cell, Nature) Bibliographic References Book Book chapter Journal article 25
Why cite? To acknowledge the contributor(s) of ideas used in writings To lend support to arguments by referring to authoritative sources To help readers verify your claims To show research done 26
Outline Using the Library Information Sources Overview of Search Strategies Performing a search in BIOSIS Previews Guides, Tools and Tips Plagiarism & Citations Bibliographic Software & Introduction to EndNote 27 Identify database based on topic Develop search strategy Select relevant articles Obtain full text of identified articles Import citations Write assignment with references Assignment Cycle
Introduction to reference management software A software that: stores and organises references from many sources inserts these references into a Word document automatically formats your references according to a predefined citation style 28
EndNote vs Mendeley 29 EndNote X7Mendeley Generates & updates the reference list automatically as you add more citations Generates the reference list when you want to More built-in compatibility with some databases (Web of Science, BIOSIS preview) Easier citation editing in Word (no hidden codes)
EndNote Workflow 30 Add references to EndNote LibraryInsert references into Word document Format according to the citation style required in Word
Step 1: Create an EndNote Library a.All programs > EndNote > EndNote Program b.File > New c.Filename: Test (*.enl) d.Save 31
Step 2: Add References to the Library 32 Direct Export Direct Export Import Text File Manual Inputting EndNote Library Cite While You Write MS Word Online Search Import PDF
Method 1: Direct Export Export references directly from database a.At the database, select the records you want b.Save, output, export or send to EndNote (Look for “RIS format”) c.Click Open to transfer records to your EndNote library 33 Step 2: Add References to the Library
Method 4: Import PDF Files PDF must contain a Digital Object Identifer (DOI) and is not a scanned document. a.In EndNote, go to File > Import b.Choose either file or folder, and change Import Option > PDF Note: If the author, title, journal, etc, fields are not auto- populated, the PDF could be of the wrong format or have an incorrect DOI New in X7 - PDF auto-import folder (Video)(Video) 34 Step 2: Add References to the Library
Step 3: Cite While You Write (CWYW) 35 Use MS Word to insert citations into your paper Create a paper with properly formatted references, bibliography, figures & tables Tip: Do NOT edit the citations and bibliographies in Word. Edit the reference in the EndNote Library only Tip: To locate citation and bibliography fields, change the MS Word’s Field Shading option
EndNote Tab & Field Shading If EndNote is properly installed, you will see the EndNote tab in Word. After you add references, Field shading shows up as text highlighted in grey. 36
Inserting Citations 37 Method 1: Find Citation a.EndNote X7 tab: Insert citation > Find Citation b.Search for a word in any field (e.g. title, author) c.Select the references that you want to insert into your paper Method 2: Insert Selected Citation(s) a.In EndNote library, select a citation b.Go to Word and place cursor at insertion point c.Click on Insert Citation > Insert Selected Citation(s)
Editing Citations & References Edit & Manage Citation(s) E.g. add page numbers, exclude author, exclude year Edit Library Reference(s) Place cursor in the citation, click on Edit library references and make the necessary changes. Next, click on Update citations and bibliography 38
Step 4: Change Style & Create a Bib Section To change the citation style EndNote X7 tab: Click on Style > Select Another Style… To create bibliography section* a.Bottom right corner of Bibliography group > Layout > Bibliography title b.Type References (or Bibliography) *The bibliography section appears only when you insert a citation *New in X7 - Create sections within Bibliography 39
EndNote Online Guide
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