BEAM COMMISSIONING SOFTWARE AND DATABASE FOR J-PARC LINAC Hiroyuki Sako G. Shen, H. Sakaki, H. Takahashi, H. Yoshikawa, JAEA H. Ikeda, VIC C. K. Allen, ORNL Outline Overview of commissioning software system Database High-Level Application frameworks Beam commissioning applications Conclusions
J-PARC Accelerator Complex LINAC commissioning since Sep 2006 RCS commissioning started in Oct GeV Main Ring ( circumference 1600m) LINAC(330m) 3GeV Rapid Cycle Synchrotron (RCS) (circumference 350m) Nuclei/Particle Physics Experimental Facility Material and Life Science Facility Neutrino Experimental Facility
Design concepts of commissioning software system Large number of device channels at J-PARC LINAC –~20k with beam monitors, magnets and RFs must be fully controlled Various settings of devices –Various beam destinations (4 dump lines, 1 transport line to RCS) –Energy 3~181 MeV (during RF tuning) Central data source –Use of RDB Online model and device control –Should be closely connected Easy development and maintenance of applications –Java
Commissioning Software System Device Control –EPICS CA JCA/CAJ Database –Commissioning DB –Save & Restore DB Unit Conversion Server –Physics records High Level Applications –JCE/XAL Generation of input files for HLA Data analysis in commissioning and feedback for device parameters Interfaces devices IOC Control system Save and Restore DB Snapshot of device parameters Commissioning DB Model params. Unit conversion parameters EPICS channel names geometry Unit conversion server High Level Applications Online model Data analysis and feedback input files Commissioning DB manager
Commissioning DB (CODB) Central data source for commissioning software and infrastructure –Geometry of beam-line devices –EPICS names –Device and beam modeling parameters –Unit conversion function parameters –Generation of input files for high level applications PostgreSQL –“The world’s most advanced open source DB” –Being improved rapidly (both performance and functionalities)
Commissioning DB Manager GUI for Commissioning DB –Geometry –Device parameters (e.g. magnetic field) Generation of XAL input files Save a data set with a tag and comments –Different beam settings –Corrected device parameters in the commissioning
OPI High Level Applications Unit Conversion PCAS Interfaces Accelerator devices IOC Configuration file generated from CODB Device records (current) Physics records (magnetic field) Monitor and set physical values conv func. Unit Conversion Server Provides physics records in connection to device records –Indispensable for efficient beam commissioning Portable Channel Access Server ~400 magnet power supplies –Conversion function : 3 rd order polynomial (inverse function solved analytically)
High level application frameworks JCE (Java Commissioning Environment) –Framework based on a SAD script language –Parser and core codes in Java –Quick development of applications Beam diagnostics displays Magnetic field set panel Transverse matching XAL –Framework in Java developed at SNS –Developed for J-PARC Beam envelope simulator RF tuning Orbit correction Beam based alignment Energy analyzer Save and Restore DB JCE/XAL common functionalities –XAL input files –XAL online model –XAL wrapper class for JCA/CAJ Add->{KBFComponentFrame[ Add-> {KBFGroup[Text->"Wire Scanners X for emittance fit"]}, Add-> {KBFCheckButton[Width->xwid,Variable:>awsx[1],Text->ws[1],WidgetVariable:>wawsx[1]]}, Add-> {KBFCheckButton[Width->xwid,Variable:>awsx[2],Text->ws[2],WidgetVariable:>wawsx[2]]}, Add-> {KBFCheckButton[Width->xwid,Variable:>awsx[3],Text->ws[3],WidgetVariable:>wawsx[3]]}, Add-> {KBFCheckButton[Width->xwid,Variable:>awsx[4],Text->ws[4],WidgetVariable:>wawsx[4]]}, …. JCE script JCE application
Applications for J-PARC LINAC Commissioning
RF tuning application (XAL) time of flight Energy Fast Current Transformers H - Beam Tune amplitude and phase of RF to accelerate beam to a designed energy by measuring time of flight of beam. RF phase Energy Select best-fit amplitude with model Scan RF amplitude and phase Designed energy Measured Energy
Tune steering magnet so that the orbit passes through the center of a quadruple magnet Orbit unchanged Orbit changes with QM field Beam Position Monitor Quadrupole magnet Steering dipole magnet Beam Based Alignment
Beam Based Alignment application (XAL) –Change QM and steering field and measure beam positions with BPM –Find center of QM MEBT1 BPM05 BPM positions vs QM field at each steering field Central BPM positions vs steering slope (from left plot) QM field Slope (Q vs BPM) BPM position Central BPM position
Transverse matching Wire scanners Profile measurements Quadrupole magnets (tune beam envelope) Iterative tuning
Transverse matching application (JCE) Measurement of beam profiles with wire scanners Optimize QM field for periodic beam envelope with Newton-Raphson method Mismatch factor of less than 5% achieved Before correction QM tuning WS measurement After correction
Energy analysis application (XAL) Integrate all information for energy calculations Choose a proper FCT pair and calculate energy Energy evolution during RF tuning RF status FCT status Energy Beam current RF timing on/offRF tuning stat
JCE applications Magnet field setter Current monitor display Beam Loss monitor display Beam position monitor display
Design Energy Measured Energy 181MeV First acceleration to 181 MeV 24 Jan 2007
First Injection to RCS (H0 dump) 5 Oct % B ± 磁場 ± 磁 I-BPM MWPM2 QL3BT ISEP1 QFL SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 QDX PB1 PB2 QDL MWPM3 MWPM4 MWPM5 DSEP1 PB3PB4 QFM DSEP2 MWPM6 Dump Q MWPM7 H0 dump (4kW) Big-BPM1 Big-BPM2 ISEP2 K-BPM BLM×4 Dump STR (V & H) CM Carbon plate (thermometer) Beam profiles measured by MWPMs Beam from LINAC RCS
Conclusions and Outlook Commissioning software system developed and successfully applied to J-PARC LINAC –Commissioning DB –Unit conversion server –JCE and XAL Improvements for more efficient operation –Maintenance scheme of Commissioning DB –Development of Save and Restore DB
Thank you for your attention!
Save and Restore DB SCORE application in XAL is used with DB in PostgreSQL –~9k channels for RF, magnets, monitors Time stamp Comment History of dataset
1. H0 dump mode 4kW CE1 DCE KIC SEP PB DM3NP MRP 3N dump 3N target Linac to MR to MLF 4kW 1MW H0 dump RCS In this mode, the 1 st foil is removed, so the linac beam is directly driven to the H0 bump. * Tuning of : - Injection orbit - H0 dump line - 1st foil: OUT - 2nd foil: IN - 3rd foil: IN - Ring magnetic field : fixed at 181 MeV - RF : - - Collimator : -
Online model Online magnetic field values fetched via CA (via unit conversion server) Envelope and orbit calculations XAL online model compared to Trace3D (a few 10 th % level)
ER diagram of Commissioning DB (for lattice info) PostgreSQL 8.1 Beam table –Twiss/emittance/energy Generation of Probe file Lattice data –Geometry table (static) –Device parameter table (many sets of data with tags) –Different tables for each device type Dipole magnet Quad magnet RF monitor
Orbit Correction (orbitcorrect) Measured BPM positions (horizontal) Prediction by online simulator After correction, Measured positions agrees well with prediction After correction Before correction (SDTL)
Energy calculation from FCT (JCE) Online energy calculations Energy plot