OPSI 11 th Annual Meeting Presentation FERC Order 1000 Implementation October 13,
MAREC’s Footprint Delaware District of olumbia Maryland New Jersey North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Virginia West Virginia 2
MAREC’s Policy Objectives Grow wind and other renewables. Work with state regulators to develop rules and supportive policies for renewable energy. Promote improvement to electric transmission infrastructure to facilitate renewable development. Provide education on environmental sustainability and renewable energy. 3
Backdrop for FERC Order 1000 The transmission system in the U.S. is underbuilt. 70% of transmission lines and power transformers are 25+ years old. Insufficient investment in the transmission grid to modernize it. Desire for a robust transmission grid. DOE/NREL EWITS report finds that 20% to 30% penetration of wind into the Eastern Interconnection by 2024 is “technically feasible.” FERC -- New transmission must be planned in a cost-effective and efficient manner “to satisfy reliability standards, reduce congestion, and allow for consideration of transmission needs driven by public policy requirements established by state or federal laws or regulations.” (emphasis added). 4
Order 1000 Public Policy Requirement Implementation in PJM State Agreement Approach Multi-Driver Projects Interregional Transmission Planning 5
Order 1000 Public Policy Requirements Renewable Portfolio Standards 9 PJM jurisdictions have standards and 2 have goals. Clean Power Plan (CPP) – 111(d) All states are required to plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. (legal challenges to CPP). Wind energy should be a major consideration as part of the compliance portfolio for any plan. Transmission planning to achieve compliance. 6
Wind Is Cost-Effective 7
Installed wind energy capacity by state through 2014
On an annual average basis, percent penetration of wind energy by state as of the end of 2014
Order 1000 – Leading To More Effective Transmission Planning? “In an industry where it can take a decade to plan, permit, and build major new transmission infrastructure, further delaying investment by understating transmission-related benefits can easily result in a higher-cost, higher risk outcome that is exactly the opposite of the goals of “conservative” planning.” April 2015 Wires Report – authored by the Brattle Group 10
Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition Bruce Burcat Executive Director Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition (302)