1 Study Tour 2005
2 Outline Information about us Research –Goal –Structure This visit
3 The Netherlands 16 million people km² About 470 people per km² land
4 University of Twente Only campus university in the Netherlands 7000 Students Research in areas ranging from public policy studies to applied physics Best university according to Elsevier
Faculty EEMCS Department Computer Science currently offers: Business Information Technology Telematics Computer Science Human Media Interaction Geoinformatics
6 Chakra study tour 28 students, 2 professors Itinerary: New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore Visits to companies, universities and the Dutch embassy
7 Our research goal What are the current and future opportunities and threats for cooperation in international context, focused on the Netherlands and India, concerning ICT?
8 Research structure Preliminary research –Macro research –Meso research Software publishing, consultancy and supply; Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinery; Data processing; Higher Education; Motion picture and video industry. –Chakra Symposium
9 Research structure Micro research –Research at location –What can be learned from comparing these findings with findings in other visits and with results of the macro & meso studies?
10 This visit One of about 20 visits for the Chakra Study Tour Sharing knowledge, interesting for both parties