Chapter 1 Politics— Setting the Stage
The academic study of the relationships between governments and other governments, and between governments and people. Issue of power is important but in political science focuses on government and people (not workplaces or similar groups) What is Political Science?
Cover two main issues: 1.The making of common decisions for a group of people (ie, a decision, law, etc. that applies to all) 2.The use of power Study of Politics
Making of common policy for a group is different from making a common decision Actions of decision-makers of common decisions relevant to study of politics Questions about these policies relevant Literal making of policies relevant Making Common Decisions For the People
Exercise of power is critical for study of politics Power: the ability of one person to cause another to do something the first wishes, by whatever means. Power
1.Coercion: Person forced to do something against will 2.Persuasion: When person is convinced he/she wants to do specific action that person in power wants 3.Construction of Incentives: When person in power makes alternatives seem so horrible, that people want to choose only one policy/decision. Ways to Implement Power
Manifest Power: When an observable act by A leads B to do what A wants Implicit Power: B does what A wants not because A specifically asks for it but because B wants to do it for A for any number of reasons Types of Power
Politics includes 1.Making best solution for common good (public choice) 2.Process by which some people are dominated by leaders Power & Choice
State: Has a broader definition in political science than we know in United States! State: Is not what we know as the 50 states but instead is a term used interchangeably with the word “country” Power & State
Political scientists can Develop Theory Types of Theories: 1.Normative 2.Empirical Political Science