PLATE TECTONICS The Unifying Theory of Earth Science
Plate Tectonics Explains Mountains Volcanoes Earthquakes Oceans Valleys The surface of the earth
Plate Tectonics Surface features are caused by processes within the earth Central Idea of all Science Observations can be explained as the result of regular, natural processes
Earth’s Interior Studied by analyzing Seismic Waves React differently depending on the material Meteorites Same composition as the Earth’s interior
Layers of the Earth Inner Core: solid iron and nickel Outer Core: liquid iron and nickel Mantle: dense, ultramfic magma and semi-molten rock Crust: rigid outer layer of rock Arranged by density
Crust Very thin Solid Rock Oceanic Crust: 3-8 miles (5-12 km) Continental Crust: miles (24-40 km) Scientists can study directly 8 miles: deepest humans have ever gone Continental crust is thicker and less dense
Mantle Magma and rock miles below surface (160 – 2900 km) Plastic rock Solid that can bend and flow Toothpaste; silly putty Very dense (ultramafic) Very hot Radioactive decay produces a lot of heat
Mantle Lithosphere: upper mantle + crust Asthenosphere: layer of mantle below lithosphere Heat moves by Convection: movement of heated particles Conduction: transfer of energy through contact
Core Outer Core Liquid metal – iron an nickel Swirls to produce earth’s magnetic field Inner Core Solid due metal to enormous pressure
Continental Drift Developed by Alfred Wegener ~ 1915 Continents move on the oceanic crust All were once joined to form Pangaea Supported by Geologic formations (mountains etc.) Fossils Climate
Gathered evidence from around the world Died on an expedition to Greenland
Geologic Evidence Similarities between rocks and mountains on each side of the Atlantic Ocean Same composition of minerals Evidence of similar forces and stresses
Fossil Evidence Same species of worms, dinosaurs, ferns, etc found on distant continents
Climate Evidence Glaciers and coal deposits show that climate of continents was very different in the past
Continental Drift Not accepted at the time No mechanism for movement Continents are not hard enough to push through oceanic crust Magnetic evidence added after Wegener’s death
Magnetic Evidence Rocks record the magnetic field of the earth from when they first cool What is cooling of magma called? Magnetic minerals = compasses Align with the poles in molten rock Locked in place once rock crystallizes
Magnetic Evidence Rocks less than 800,000 years old point toward North Pole Rocks 800,000 to 2,500,000 years old point in opposite direction Normal and reversed polarity
Magnetic Reversals
Magnetic Evidence Rocks from different continents did not agree on location of the poles Either the poles moved, the continents moved, or both Only the continents moved while the poles remained stationary
Magnetic Evidence Continents seemed to move over history Wegener’s theory began to become popular Still no mechanism for the movement or explanation about how continents could push through oceans