Action plan on development of mechanism for monitoring of social accountability State Union Serbia and Montenegro group
Policy or program for intervention Creation of exper group for monitoring of Roma related policies: National strategy on Roma PRSP Action plan of Ministry of educationa and sport of Republic of Serbia Action plan of OSCE
Goal Development of mechanism for monitoring of implementation Roma related policies as precondition for participation of Roma in development of social accountability
Stakeholders Roma NGOs and NGOs dealing with Roma issue Ministries, Roma National Council, local governments, Public servis institutions Media – state, local, Roma World Bank, CoE, OSCE, OSI Private Roma entrepreneurship and others who have interest
Tools to be used Development of local and regional strategies and action plans in relation with four major documents Creation of exper group for monitoring of Roma related policies and action plans Drafting of issue related laws
Actions to be taken by civil society Within 30 days Local round tables on social accountability Spreading information on this seminar, Roma decade and importance of social accountability Within 6 months Trainings (institutionalization, decentralization, management on public finances, four areas of decade) Producing and distribution of broshures on social accountability and succsesfull projects (best practice) on this issue
Actions to be taken by government Within 6 month Amendments toward participation of civil society in budgeting and monitoring of public finances Law on access to information
Actions to be taken by media Within 30 days Delivering information on social accountability, Roma decade, policies and action plans on Roma Within 6 month Public debate on social accountability and civil society monitoring on public finances
Resources Group of RNVO participated in this workshop Time: July 2004 – February 2005 Budget $ Goverment - 20% Local Goverments - 5 % OSI - 25 % OSCE - 15 % CoE - 15 % World Bank - 20 %