INB 74,75
Objective: To experiment with substance changes and measure the change that takes place. Which ratio of baking soda to vinegar produces the most gas? Hypothesis: I think that the gas produced is ________________ which shows that a ________________(Chemical or Physical) change has taken place. Materials: Acetic Acid (vinegar), Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), flask, 2 graduated cylinders, 2 beakers, balloon, funnel, string. Procedures/Observations: Leave space on p. 75 for observations and table of data. Analyze and Conclude: Leave space for questions and answers on p. 74.
Amount of Baking Soda (ml)Amount of Vinegar (ml)Balloon Circumference (cm) 20 ml
Procedures/Observations: 1. Measure the baking soda for the first trial for reaction. Record in the table. Using funnel carefully put into the balloon. 2. Measure the vinegar for the first trial for reaction. Record in the table. Pour into the flask. 3. Place the balloon over the end of the flask without spilling the baking soda into the flask. 1.While holding the balloon securely in place, allow the baking soda in the balloon to mix with the vinegar. Swirl for 30 seconds while continuing to hold the balloon in place. 4. Describe observations and details about the reaction. Be clear and detailed. Measure the greatest circumference of the balloon with the string. Compare to the meter stick and write down the results in centimeters. 5. Repeat the above 3 more times with different amounts of baking soda and record as before. 6. When finished carefully remove the balloon from the flask and take to the candle burning in the beaker. Release the gas into the beaker and write down your observations about what happens next. Vinegar/ Vinegar/
1. What kind of gas was released in this reaction? What evidence do you have to support your theory? 2. Was this a chemical or physical change? Why or why not? 3. Which amount of baking soda produced the largest balloon circumference? 4. Was your hypothesis right or wrong?