How we started: A group of highly motivated students came together through a series of conferences including the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Pre- Doctoral Conference and The National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice in Together the group decided that a more formalized network of information sharing and collaboration needed to be created to help promote the growth of the student run free clinic movement. Mission The Society of Student Run Free Clinics will develop an international professional platform for student-run clinics through an annual conference, website, and newsletter in order to increase communication, to foster the sharing of ideas, to collaborate on research, to provide funding resources, and to expand the existing scope of clinics as well as cultivate the growth of new ones.. Definition of Student Run Free Clinic A service-learning student driven outreach project in any discipline that strives to enhance the health and well being of a community. Our Members Students and faculty from around the world dedicated to serving and empowering underserved communities. We currently have over 30 registered clinics and reach out to over 600 students and faculty. Vision SSRFC aims to become a national, collective voice representing student-run, free clinics. Our vision is to promote and support the existence of student-run clinics at every health professional school and health science center. Through our unified strength, we aim to advocate for both resources and health policy that benefit our patients, and to develop a national network to help sustain student-run, free clinics. We truly strive to be an transdisciplinary organization and welcome members from all aspects of healthcare including medical, osteopathic, dental, physical therapy, pharmacy, or any group that has a student run clinic. Goals: Annual Conference Website: online resources Newsletter Clinic Collaboration Research Development Student & Faculty Leadership Development Clinic Models: Mobile Clinics Free Standing Clinics Partnerships with existing clinics Partnership with Community Organization Services: Primary Care Women’s Health Diabetes Management STD Prevention and Treatment Obesity Management Physical Therapy Dental Services Homeless Care & Outreach Patient Education/Health Promotion Pharmacy Services Outreach Complementary & Integrative Care Mental Health Specialty Services Social Services & Legal Counsel Founding Schools 2008: George Washington University, Medical University of South Carolina, Mount Sinai, SUNY Downstate, University of Alabama, University of California - San Diego, University of Florida, University of California - Los Angeles, University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ, University of Nebraska Medical Center, University of Southern Florida, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Poster by Deepa Rani Nandiwada MS IV GWU SMHS & Ellen Beck, M.D. Pre-Doctoral Director, Director of Community Education, Clinical Professor Family & Preventive Medicine, UCSD