ALICE 5 o’clock meeting Wk 50
INDICO You’ll find this meeting here: – The full shutdown planning is here: –
13/12/105 o’clock meeting3 Access request Cavern and surface You should submit an ADI and a task procedure Two persons minimum Work breakdown structure – risk associated at each step ADI Task procedure Template EDMS Attach task procedure
13/12/105 o’clock meeting4 ALICE Christmas break schedule OpenExperiment TRD EMCal CloseExperiment Open L3 doors Close L3 doors
13/12/105 o’clock meeting5 UX25 access Rules for access restrictions: Removal/installation of shielding (restriction includes RB24 triplets) PX24 blocks: no access CR5 and UX25 PX24 beams (35t): no access CR1-5, Expo, and UX-25 All other blocks: no access to UX-25 LHC evacuation test (7/12 after 18:00 and 24/12 tbc) – no access UX25 Gas functional test (10/ hrs) – no access UX25 and CR1-5 AUG test (20/1) (Arrêt Urgence General – General Emergency Stop) – no access UX25 DSO test (12-13/1) (Department Safety Officer) – no access UX25 No access SX2 during manipulation of blocks in SX2 (except ACR and WRs)
13/12/105 o’clock meeting6 L3 (and MNF) access No Ventilation EMCal No Ventilation +AUG Wks 50 and 4: access (TPC) to be coordinated with TC (transport) Wks 1-2: no access during EMCal SMs insertion inside L3 (see day-by-day) When moving from low-beta to yellow platform: no access to MNF When inserting the module: no access L3 and MNF Watcher needed in wk 49 and from wk 4 onwards Wk 6 or 7 (tbd): Kr calibration – TPC T stability (all interventions to be agreed by TC/RC) Evac.
Day-by-day schedule UX25 and MNF - Wk 50
13/12/105 o’clock meeting8 Access status: 8: :00: UX25 cavern in Restricted mode –No access UX25 (except Transport and TC) From 18:00 - Cavern in General mode No access L3 (no ventilation) Activities: ALTEAD: MNF shielding: O-side wall Lift PMD CROCUS SPIE: removal L3 ventilation Philippe: cut SPD pipe (chillers) Activities after 18:00: TRD T0 Week /12 Monday
13/12/105 o’clock meeting9 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Monday LV156 No access L3 (no ventilation) L3 ventilation LV156 MNF shielding
13/12/105 o’clock meeting10 Activities in MNF - Week /12 Monday No access L3 (no ventilation)
13/12/105 o’clock meeting11 Access status: 8: :00: UX25 cavern in Restricted mode –No access UX25 (except Transport and TC) From 18:00 - Cavern in General mode No access L3 (no ventilation) Activities: Gas upgrade (SG2): stop all gas systems. X-ray at night –Evacuation all Ar/H2 bottles (Fayet, morning) SPIE: new PMD ventilation (removal filter) –VIC at 10:30 (tbc) Activities after 18:00: Week /12 Tuesday
13/12/105 o’clock meeting12 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Tuesday Open I-side door No access L3 (no ventilation) LV156 MNF shielding (green bridges) PMD ventilation
13/12/105 o’clock meeting13 Activities in MNF - Week /12 Tuesday No access L3 (no ventilation)
13/12/105 o’clock meeting14 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Wednesday Open O-side door 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport) TRD cooling TPC FEC Dismount back wall of laser hut Laser After 18:00 Normal hours (access to be coordinated with TC) VIP visit: Finance and Council Delegates – 16:30 (1hour) LV156 YP rails Release all TOF crates supports (Yannick- Samuel) Gas upgrade: stop all gas systems PMD ventilation
13/12/105 o’clock meeting15 Activities in MNF - Week 50 15/12 Wednesday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode
13/12/105 o’clock meeting16 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Thursday Laser After 18:00 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport) TRD cooling Arrival PMD team TPC FEC EN-EL Motorize L3-Dipole-Miniframe circuit breaker (T.Bourrel, 10:30) Delivery to P2 of 2 (last) EMCal modules Lower YP onto rails Release all TOF crates supports (Yannick- Samuel) PMD ventilation
13/12/105 o’clock meeting17 Activities in MNF - Week /12 Thursday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode Removal MNF staircase (access with ladder)
13/12/105 o’clock meeting18 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Friday Laser After 18:00 Decoupling TPC-Space- Frame (Yannick- Samuel) 17:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 17:00: no access UX25 (except Transport) TRD cooling Lower TRD 16. No access low-beta platform TPC FEC
13/12/105 o’clock meeting19 Activities in MNF - Week /12 Friday Disconnect PMD services (after 20:00) 8:00 to 17:00: no access UX25 17:00 to 8:00: access in general mode
13/12/105 o’clock meeting20 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Saturday Laser After 18:00 17:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 17:00: no access UX25 (except Transport) Decoupling TPC-Space- Frame (Yannick- Samuel)
13/12/105 o’clock meeting21 Activities in MNF - Week /12 Saturday Disconnect PMD services 8:00 to 17:00: no access UX25 17:00 to 8:00: access in general mode
13/12/105 o’clock meeting22 Activities in UX25 - Week /12 Sunday Access in general mode TRD team at CERN: 19 (PM) to 23/12
13/12/105 o’clock meeting23 Activities in MNF - Week /12 Sunday Disconnect PMD services Access in general mode
13/12/105 o’clock meeting24 DCS plans Wk 50 –Mon 13/12 – Tue 14/12 (daytime): Force upgrades and patches to all remaining systems Systems unavailable for short (~hrs) periods, frequent reboots –Support to detectors restarting/testing their systems after upgrades Detectors shall test functionality as much as possible André / Peter
13/12/105 o’clock meeting25 AOB -