BIO I 1,2,5,7 Period Bell work: Answer multiple choice questions on pgs. 356 and 357. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of DNA through quiz. HOMEWORK: Review Lab Procedures
Monday, Bell work…10 min Quiz…20 min 3.Preview DNA Lab…15 min. 4.Ticket out…5 min. HOMEWORK: Review Lab Procedures. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of DNA through quiz.
Ticket out HOMEWORK: Review Lab procedures
BIO I 1,2,5,7 Period Bell work: Page 354 answer pre-lab questions 1 and 2. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of DNA through lab. HOMEWORK: None
Tuesday, Bell work…8 min 2.DNA Lab…40 min 3.Ticket out…5 min. HOMEWORK: None Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of DNA through lab.
Ticket out Ticket out: Clean up lab. HOMEWORK: Read & notes for 12.3.
BIO I 1,2,5,7 Period Bell work: No bell, Begin movie. Objective: I will understand a few modern technologies used today to study genetics, DNA replication, and RNA transcription and translation. HOMEWORK: Review for Chapter 12 Test tomorrow.
Wednesday, Movie…50 min 2.Ticket out…5 min. HOMEWORK: Review for Chapter 12 Test Tomorrow. Objective: I will understand a few modern technologies used today to study genetics, DNA replication, and RNA transcription and translation.
Ticket out Ticket out: Turn in Notes HOMEWORK: Review for Chapter 12 TEST.
BIO I 1,2,5,7 Period Bell work: Complete questions 1, 2, & 3 on page 348 to review for test. Objective: I Will demonstrate understanding of DNA and DNA replication through Test. HOMEWORK: Read and Note 13.1 & 13.2
Thursday, Bell work Bell work…5 min 2.Test Chapter 12…20 min. 3.Read Chapter 13.1…20 min. 4.Ticket out…5 min. HOMEWORK: Read and Note 13.1 & 13.2 Objective: I Will demonstrate understanding of DNA and DNA replication through Test.
Ticket out Bell work Ticket out: HOMEWORK: Read and Note 13.1 & 13.2.