Geneticist Definition of Gene If you ask 10 different geneticist to define gene, you would get 10 different answers Genes must involve information Information must be contained in a molecule Need to define nature of information Then look at molecules
Mutations as a Tool To geneticist mutations are data Mutations shows us the effect of removing or disrupting a process If you are interested in a process Then make mutants to disrupt the process Number of different mutants will tell you steps in the process Can be used to determine order of events Combinations of mutants: double mutants
Functional Test for Allelism Two mutants with the same phenotype Are they alleles of one gene? Do they represent alleles of two different genes? We could isolate the genes, sequence them and compare... Can we do this with simple genetic crosses? Complementation Test
Complementation Test Only works with recessive alleles Logic is simple: Cross homozygous mutants—>heterozygote Assess phenotype If wild type (doubly heterozygous) Then different genes, we say they complement (provide wild type function) If mutant (heteroallelic) Then alleles of same gene, we say they fail to complement (no wild type function)
Treat with mutagen Isolate (recessive) mutants Make homozygous Mutant 1 Mutant 2 Mutant 3 Mutant 4 How many genes do these represent?
Consider Single Test X X w1 w2 + w1 + w2 w1a w1b w1 w2 + w1 + w2 w1a w1b complements (+) fails to complement (-)
Test All 4 Mutants M1M2M3M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 – + + – – – + – + – Allelic Relationships: 2 genes, each with 2 alleles Gene 1: with alleles M1, M4 Gene 2: with alleles M2, M3
Genes and Proteins Relationship of genotype and phenotype First clue came from Beadle and Tatum: Studied synthesis of arginine in Neurospora Isolate mutant alleles of genes Correlate with biochemical pathway Mutants identified by failure to make Arg Call this kind of mutant auxotroph Supplement media with Arg = growth No Arg in media = no growth Supplement with intermediates = pathway
precursor Media Supplement Mutant Ornithine Citrulline Arginine Wild type+ + + Mutant A+ + + Mutant B- + + Mutant C- - + ornithinecitrullinearginine CBA
Conclusions? Supplement with intermediate after block in pathway = growth Can dissect pathways using genetics Beadle and Tatum concluded each gene encoded a single enzyme in the pathway: One gene-one enzyme One gene one polypeptide is better Even this is an oversimplification Begins to get at the relationship
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Chromo- some Gene 1 Enzyme E GlutamateOrnithineCitruline Argino- succinate Arginine Enzyme FEnzyme GEnzyme H Encoded enzyme biochemical pathway Gene 2 Gene 3 & 4 arg-H arg-G arg-F arg-E
The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Is that a cool phrase or what?! But what does it mean? A brief description of the most important overall concept of molecular biology What is this all about? Information Central Dogma describes the flow of information in cells
CDMB DNA makes RNA makes Protein DNARNAProtein DNA Stores information, and is replicated RNA contains information in DNA RNA is used to direct synthesis of proteins transcriptiontranslation replication
CDMB A more modern version is below: DNA RNAProtein This encompasses the original idea DNA can be made from RNA (reverse transcription)
Gene Expression Central dogma describes flow of information Actual process is called Gene Expression Transcription Translation How genotype is converted into phenotype
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. DNA Transcription Translation Protein mRNA