Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, 7th Edition Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
2 Sex advice columnists and pop psychology Thinking critically about sexuality Sex research methods The sex researchers Contemporary research studies Emerging research perspectives Ethnicity and sexuality Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
3 Information and advice as entertainment The use and abuse of research findings Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
4 Value judgments versus objectivity Opinions biases and stereotypes › Rigidly held, overgeneralized beliefs › Selective info › schemas Egocentric and ethnocentric thinking › Fallacy- an error in thinking › Egocentric fallacy- mistaken belief that our personal experience and values generally are shared by others › Ethnocentric fallacy- out own ethnic group/culture is superior to others Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
5 Research concerns Scientific Method Ethical issues › Informed consent › Protection from harm Sampling Clinical research Survey research Observational research › Participant research Experimental research › Plethysmograph › Strain gauge Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
6 Well being Legitimize Equality Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
7 Psychopathia Sexualis – 1886 (fetishes, sadists, masochists, homosexuals; blamed masturbation for sexual deviance) Range of sexual behaviors Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
8 Neuroses Repression Stages of psychosexual development Oedipal – Electra complexes Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
9 Studies in the Psychology of Sex – 1897 though 1910 Animal behavior, anthropology, history Women’s desires Normal Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
10 Sexual behavior in the human male – 1948 Sexual behavior in the human female – 1953 Sexual diversity and variation Masturbation Sexual orientation (50% men and 28% women had same-sex experiences but not necessarily homosexual) Normal – abnormal dichotomy (tolerance of sexual differences) Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
11 Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc Kinsey Scale
12 Human sexual response – 1966 Human sexual inadequacy Role of clitoris in orgasm Male & female similarities in physiological response Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
13 The national health and social life survey (1994) 1.Mostly exclusive with partners 2.Average sex- once weekly 3.Extramarital sex is the exception, not the rule 4.Most Americans have traditional sex values 5.Homosexuality not as prevalent as thought 6.Orgasms more by men (75%) than women (29%) 7.Forced sex/misperception of forced sex critical problem 8.3% of Americans claim never to have had sex Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
14 The national survey of family growth (2002) 1. Ages 25-44: 97% men & 98% women have had vaginal intercourse; 90% men/88% women have had oral sex; 40% men/35% have had anal sex. 2. Approx 10% men/women have never had sex 3. Over 10% men/women sexually attracted to opposite sex 4. Men have more sex partners in life (6-8 vs. 4) y/o- approx 12% males/females had oral sex but not intercourse; ages 18-19: approx 10% men/women had oral sex only with no intercourse 6. Other info as well Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
15 The youth risk behavior survey (2008) 1. 48% students reported having intercourse 2. 15% reported having 4 or more sex partners 3. 7% reported sexual intercourse before age % using condoms during recent sex 5. 23% reported alcohol or drug use prior to most recent sex exp % reported being forced to have sexual intercourse 7. 13% reported being tested for HIV Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
16 The national college health assessment (2000) 1. Within last year of high school, 70% college men/women reported at least one sex partner; 10% men and 5% women reported 4 or more partners 2. 1/5 have never had oral sex 3. 30% never had intercourse 4. Approx 80% never had anal sex 5. Many used condoms 6. 11% used emergency contraception within last school year 7. 2% reported unwanted pregnancy Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
17 Feminist scholarship Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender research Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
18 Karl Heinrich Ulrichs Karl Maria Kertbeny Magnus Hirschfeld Evelyn Hooker Michel Foucault Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
19 African Americans Latinos Asian Americans Pacific Islanders Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010
Sex advice columnists and pop psychology Thinking critically about sexuality Sex research methods The sex researchers Contemporary research studies Emerging research perspectives Ethnicity and sexuality Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2010