Mississippi Worksites: Health Promotion Activities Why Promote Health in Worksites? The worksite is an important venue for addressing health because this is where the typical American worker spends about 30% of their waking hours. Worksite is a strategic location to implement wellness programs, because it often include significant population that are united over a common purpose. In addition, workplaces are more likely having the tools to facilitate dissemination of health information. Worksite Wellness Brief In 2014, nearly 67% of worksites conducted employee wellness programs or health promotion activities, compared to 58.9% in In 2014, 32.2% of worksites had a formal employee wellness policy, compared to 24.8% in In 2014, 56.9% of worksites offered an annual health risk assessment for employees and/or members of the health plan. Over two thirds (68.3%) of the 607 interviews conducted in 2014 were completed with respondents in a service related industry (26.7%), the manufacturing industry (21.7%), or the wholesale/retail industry (19.9%). Data Source: Mississippi Worksite Health Promotion Activities Survey, 2009 and 2014 FACTSHEET In accordance with the objectives pertaining to worksite wellness in “Healthy people 2020”, Mississippi survey of worksite health promotion activities is designed to study the worksite health promotion and wellness programs which are available to employees of businesses in Mississippi.
“ Healthy People 2010 ” defined a comprehensive worksite wellness program as having five essential elements: health education, supportive social and physical environments, integration of the program into the organization ’ s structure, collaboration with other relevant programs, and screening programs (%) 2014 (%) Improvement (%) Integration into the Organization’s Structure Responsible Employee ↑ Employee Committee ↑ Supportive policies and environment Financial Incentives ↑ Subsidize Health Club ↑ Tobacco Use Policy ↑ Worksite Physical Activities ↑ Health Education Nutrition Education ↑ Smoking Cessation Class ↑ Table 1. Health Promotion in Mississippi Worksites between 2009 and 2014 Partnership for Prevention. (2009). Healthy Workforce 2010 and Beyond. Retrieved from: Resources.aspxhttp:// Resources.aspx. Abood, D. A., Black, D. R., & Feral, D. (2003). Nutrition education worksite intervention for university staff: Application of the health belief model. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 35(5), Anderson, L. M., Quinn, T. A., Glanz, K., Ramirez, G., Kahwati, L. C., Johnson, D. B., et al. (2009). The effectiveness of worksite nutrition and physical activity interventions for controlling employee overweight and obesity: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(4), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2010). Healthier Worksite Initiative: Program Design. Retrieved from: ign/index.htmhttp:// ign/index.htm. Beresford, S. A., Thompson, B., Feng, Z., Christianson, A., McLerran, D., & Patrick, D. L. (2001). Seattle 5 a day worksite program to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Preventive Medicine, 32(3), REFERENCES