People Grow and Change by Denise Carroll
Life Cycle People grow and change.
THINK: How does your body grow and change?
You get bigger. You get taller. You get stronger You get heavier. Your looks change. Your hair style changes. Permanent teeth grow. You learn new things. All people grow and change. As you grow, your appearance changes.
Eyes Eyes and Seeing The eyes work like a camera. The eyes work like a camera. They take in light from the thing we are looking at and make a tiny picture of it on the back of the eyeball. Nerves inside the eyes take a message to the brain about the picture. The brain tells us what it is we are looking at.
THINK: What do my eyes do?
Ears Ears and Hearing Sounds go into my ears. Inside my ear, sounds hit an eardrum. Nerves tell my brain about the sound. My brain tells me what I am hearing.
THINK: What do my ears do?
Tongue Tongue and Tasting The tongue is covered with about 10,000 very tiny bumps called taste buds. Taste buds on different parts of the tongue taste different things; sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.
THINK: What do my tongue do?
Nose Nose and Smelling When we breathe, air goes into our nose through the nostrils. Inside the nose there are lots of tiny hairs. They catch bits of dust that are in the air. They catch bits of dust that are in the air. Damp, sticky stuff called mucus traps more dirt and germs as they enter the nose.
THINK: What do my nose do?
Hands Hands and touching Nerve endings in the skin send messages to the brain that tell us about what we are touching, such as whether it is warm, hot, cold, painful, soft, prickly, rough, sticky.
THINK: What do my hands do?
Eating Healthy Foods The Food Guide Pyramid will show us how to choose healthy foods. GrainsVegetablesFruitsOilsMilk Meat & Beans
Eating healthy foods will help your body grow and give you energy. We will learn more about the food guide pyramid in the next slide show.
THINK: What can we do to keep our body healthy?
Staying Healthy Eat the right foods Get plenty of exercise Get plenty of rest Don’t smoke Don’t take drugs or drink alcohol
Congratulations! You have learned how your body grows and changes. YOU’RE A WINNER!