1 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center June th Meeting Report for the Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) and the Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility (LTSRF) Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center June 2008
2 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 RAN Technical Advisory Group Ken Casey Ed Armstrong Jorge Vazquez Craig Donlon Hiroshi Kawamura Gilles Larnicol David Llewellyn-Jones …and Tess Brandon Nick Rayner Gary Wick Dick Reynolds Bill Emery Helen Beggs Gary Corlett
3 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status (2007) Operational Status –Automatic daily acquisition and archive from GDAC –30-day delay from observation to archive –All available online FTP, HTTP, and OPeNDAP –All data searchable via NODC Ocean Archive System - –Extensive metadata - both FGDC and original DIF Current Archive Holdings –About 3 TB (~ 60 TB uncompressed), –12,287 * accessions (RDAC/Sensor/Level/Date) –More than 175,000 files –L2P for AMSR-E, AVHRR-16, AVHRR-17, AVHRR-18 (GAC and LAC/HRPT), MODIS Aqua and Terra, SEVIRI, AATSR, TMI, GOES-11, and GOES-12 –L4 for OSTIA and EUR/MED analysis * as of 14 May 2007
4 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status (2008) Operational Status –Automatic daily acquisition and archive from GDAC –30-day delay from observation to archive –All available online FTP, HTTP, and OPeNDAP –All data searchable via NODC Ocean Archive System - –Extensive metadata - both FGDC and original DIF Current Archive Holdings –About 13 TB (~260 TB uncompressed), –39,048 * accessions (RDAC/Sensor/Level/Date) –More than 679,000 files –L2P for AMSR-E, AVHRR-16, AVHRR-17, AVHRR-18 (GAC and LAC/HRPT), MODIS Aqua and Terra, SEVIRI, AATSR, TMI, GOES-11, and GOES-12 AND AVHRR-Metop –L4 for OSTIA and EUR/MED analysis AND NCDC Daily OI (AVHRR-only and AVHRR+AMSRE), ODYSSEA Global, ODYSSEA Galapagos, ODYSSEA –L4 for OSTIA and EUR/MED analysis AND NCDC Daily OI (AVHRR-only and AVHRR+AMSRE), ODYSSEA Global, ODYSSEA Galapagos, ODYSSEA North-Western European Shelves, REMSS MW+IR OI, DMI North Sea Baltic * as of 08 June 2008
5 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status Last Year
6 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status Last Year
7 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status Last Year
8 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status Last Year
9 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status Last Year
10 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Accesses FTP access statistics for the GHRSST LTSRF for the period June 2006 through April Numbers of unique users indicated with an asterisk (*) are for HTTP.
11 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Activities Since GHRSST-VIII
12 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Outreach WCRP Reanalysis Workshop, Tokyo, Japan CLIMAR-III, Gdynia, Poland Medspiration/GlobCOLOUR User Consultation, Oslo, Norway AGU Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico NOAA CoastWatch, Annapolis MD, USA AGU Ocean Sciences, Orlando FL, USA GEO Ministerial Summit, Cape Town, South Africa China, and more….
13 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 LTSRF Status Reporting The Archive at a glance: RSS Feeds: The GHRSST Archive Today GigaBytes of data, spanning netCDF files, organized into Archival Information Packages Automated Archival Status These metrics are updated each day between 0700 and 0900 UTC. For more information see the LTSRF RSS Operational Status Feed LTSRF RSS News Feed LTSRF RSS Operational Messages LTSRF RSS Operational Status What is RSS?
14 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 OSTIA Reanalysis Project Goals 1.Provide a consistent time series of OSTIA data going back to the earliest available AVHRR data with error estimates. 2.Will use a system which closely resembles the current operational OSTIA. Relevant Graphic Current Status 1.Preparing data (including error estimates) Sea ice from OSI SAF [Done 1987-]Sea ice from OSI SAF [Done 1987-] Pathfinder [Can read HDF data]Pathfinder [Can read HDF data] (A)ATSR(-1/2) [L2P data with ESA](A)ATSR(-1/2) [L2P data with ESA] AMSRE (Use RSS data)AMSRE (Use RSS data) 2.Preparing background errors, running short tests. Looking Forward 1.OSTIA to provide high resolution information to add to HadISST-2. 2.Include more satellites (TMI / SEVIRI / GOES / MTSAT / AVHRR-LAC). John Stark, UK Met Office
15 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Daily OI Version 2 Project Goals 1.Produce Daily OI on 1/4 o spatial grid Include satellite bias correction with respect to in situ dataInclude satellite bias correction with respect to in situ data 2.Compute analysis for entire period with satellite data 3.Make product useful for climate Current Status 1.Uses AVHRR + In Situ Data January presentJanuary present 2.Uses AMSR + AVHRR + In Situ Data June presentJune present 3.Interim (1 day of data) and final (3 days of data) versions 4.Ship SSTs corrected using buoy SSTs Looking Forward 1.Version2 becomes operational 2.Add ATSR and TMI 3.Use Pathfinder NOAA-7 data when available AVHRR-only AMSR+AVHRR Anomaly SST Impact from Hurricane Katrina Dick Reynolds, NCDC
16 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 GHRSST/GCOS SST Intercomparisons Project Goals 1.To understand differences between SST analyses to create better, long- term SST climate data records 2.To link modern satellite-based records with the historical, primarily in situ-based records Current Status 1.Initial products and diagnostics for the satellite era available in netCDF and Matlab at: mp.html (HTTP and FTP) mp.html mp.html 2.Preliminary analysis of differences performed and presented at CLIMAR-III workshop, May 2008 Looking Forward 1.Add further diagnostics Calculate standard diagnostics for each product w.r.t. its own climatology 2.Incorporate historical products (1850 on) into the framework 3.Summarize differences as a set of strengths and weaknesses for each product Tess Brandon, NODC
17 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 AVHRR Pathfinder SST Project Goals 1.To provide the longest, most accurate, and highest resolution consistently-reprocessed SST climate data record (CDR) from the AVHRR sensor series 2.To serve as a fundamental input to GHRSST Reanalysis CDRs Current Status 1.Version 5 Available: Daily, 5-, 7-, 8- day, Monthly, Yearly SSTs for , and climatologies 2.Included in GCOS Intercomparisons 3.Available via FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, LAS and JPL POET system 4.Used in Reynolds 25km Daily OI 5.To be used in OSTIA Reanalysis 6.NODC compute cluster operational Looking Forward 1.Transitioning to NODC processing based on SeaDAS 2.Version 6 will be in GHRSST L2 and L3 format (NASA support for errors!) 3.Investigating improved quality flags 4.Uncertainty estimation at UMiami funded by NASA, along with regional HRPT data at URI 5.NOAA support for Pathfinder SSTs available at
18 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Project Summary for GHRSST Reanalysis Breakout Session Trends in (A)ATSR Data Project Goals 1.To provide the first consistently processed (A)ATSR data set 2.To identify short and long term trends in the (A)ATSR data record i.To compare the observed trends to other satellite and in situ SST records (A)ATSR Anomalies Current Status 1.The first consistently processed (A)ATSR data set (V2.0) nearly complete i.Yaw steering period from Jan 2001 to July 2002 still to be processed 2.Currently being converted for GCOS intercomparison format Looking Forward 1.Complete V2.0 data to be available in L2P (from ESA) and GCOS format (from UL) by Autumn 2008 i.Investigating improved errors for GCOS format 2.Generation of (A)ATSR only SST climatology ATSR-2 yaw steering period Gary Corlett, Univ. of Leicester
19 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 And much, much more! GHRSST Reanalysis Breakout
20 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Ongoing and Future Activities (‘07)
21 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Ongoing and Future Activities (‘08)
22 Perros-Guirec, June 2008 Ongoing and Future Activities Upgrade LTSRF –Rich inventory metadata - “Rich Inventory Markup Language” –Automated version handling GHRSST/GCOS SST-SI Working Group: more datasets, additional diagnostics, improved interface (more during RAN Session) Continue identifying and encouraging reprocessing efforts –Timelines –Expected products –Mutual awareness