I NTRODUCTION The most focus of the chapter is on workforce diversity, differentiated workforce, undifferentiated workforce, work design, HR architecture design and some other related issues. Requirement for differentiated workforce. Strategic capabilities, information, technology, and people to executed the strategy.
\ FORM STRATEGIC INTEND TO CORPORATE CULTURE All firm have different culture so the manager should be ensure to design the corporate culture by having the answer of these questions What do we want our culture to look like? What we need to develop the culture? Who will be responsible for these changes? Where do we start? What mind-set and culture do we want?
W HAT MIND - SET & CULTURE DO WE WANT ? Firm X-employer of choice we are employer of choice we try to hire the best employees for all the position & than make sure that each one is committed to our firm & never leave them by providing best salaries, our all employees know the values and mission of the organization they feel scare they wont try for any alternative
Firm Y- Employee of choice We hire the very best employees for strategic position, we do whatever is necessary to attract and develop the employees we create the abilities to retain the talent we are an employee equity firm and proud of it.
F ROM CORPORATE CULTURE TO WORKFORCE PHILOSOPHY Developing mindset and culture of accountabilities involve two steps First-developing workforce philosophy which outline the firm expectation & accountabilities Second- develop a unique & differentiated system of HR architecture.
L OCKHEED M ARTIN WORKFORCE PHILOSOPHY In Martin the manager come to the conclusion and get the element which is crucial for successful strategy the factors are as flowing challenging environment. Clear understanding the environment is important for successful strategy. Requirement for that skill, talent, superiorly to create customer focused solutions.
Strategic focus In this we must establish strategies that address the changing environment. Requirement for this is technical capabilities to deliver customer values. Delivering customer success We must view all the business actions from customer prospective should know the customer need, want, and create for them certain values
Workforce differentiation and diversity We must have talent and skillful strategic employees to provide unique customer focus solution. leadership accountability Full spectrum leaders are accountable for their workforce accountability, business strategy and creating high performcance
The role of HR We all know that our business success is increasing more depend on people and HR
F ORM WORKFORCE PHILOSOPHY TO WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM There are certain strategies that must our workface know Business strategy how will we grow our business? What is our completive advantages? What strategies capabilities we need?
Strategic focus How to accelerate our growth? What are the indicator of our growth? Performance focus what is expected of me? how well I am performance? what should I do create wealth to the firm? what work reduce the production cost?
Performance management who has impact on my work? how well am I doing? how do I get specific feedback? Performance consequence What happen to me if I do a great job? What happen if I do not perforce to the expected level?
Employee outcome Everyone must know what the end game is what is likely to happen to us if we are able to effectively execute our strategy? What will success look like in our organization from our stakeholders perspective
A TTRIBUTES OF A DIFFERENTIATED WORKFORCE Developing a differentiated workforce is much easier if the firm has workforce philosophy and workface management program There are four key domains that distinguish a differentiated approach with conventional approach which will be explain in next slide
Equity, Not Equality in undifferentiated firm all and every one treat the same way, and vice versa in differentiate. Engaging the right employees in undifferentiated firm employees are aware that the firm has a mission & values and asked for their lastly In differentiated firm all employees specially strategic position understand the firm strategy
hiring choice employees, Not becoming the employer of choice Undifferentiated firm workforce prompted itself as a great place for all candidate, vice versa Earning increase, Not entitlement In undifferentiated firm employees feeling secure if performance well or not they will get compensation & vice versa in differentiated firm if u not add any values to the firm you wont get any incentive
W ORK SYSTEM ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE Its all about the management of employee to deal with the changes of environment, the HR management system important because it create the wealth for the stakeholder and directly control the business. This system called as HR architecture, implementing of an effective HR architecture is the beginning of developing the culture and workforce philosophy
External v/s Internal HR management system HR architecture 19
H UMAN R ESOURCE M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM The policies and practices involved in carrying out the “people” or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising. 20
HR ARCHITECTURE It is a system that consists of HR polices and practices. 21
5P’S HR Philosophy HR Polices HR Programs HR Practices HR Process 22
HR Philosophy: High level statement like mission or vision HR Polices: Framework for people related programs and practices HR Programs: Coordinated effort to solve business problems HR Practices: specific activities that constitutes programs HR Process: Specific activities that makeup the constituent parts of HR Practices. 23
E QUIFINAITY Same philosophy different practices 24
H UMAN RESOURCE PRACTICE MENU Planning choices Staffing choices Appraising choices Compensating choices Training and development 25
D ESIGNING HR ARCHITECTURE Differentiation between employees Selection, training Undifferentiated approach 26
W ORK D ESIGN Structured work to give maximum output 27