1 NA61/SHINE Collaboration Metting, Dubna, April 7-11, 2014 NA61/SHINE news and plans (October 2013-February 2014) Published papers: Measurements of production properties of K0S mesons and Lambda hyperons in proton-carbon interactions at 31 GeV/c Phys.Rev. C89 (2014) Measurement of negatively charged pion spectra in inelastic p+p interactions at 20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c Eur. Phys. J. C (2014) 74:2794 NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system CERN-PH-EP , to appear in JINST
2 Event-by-event transverse-momentum and multiplicity fluctuations in proton+proton collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (under the EB review) Papers under preparation: Precise measurements of p, K, K0S and (anti)proton production in proton–Carbon interactions at 31 GeV/c (in drafting)
3 NA61/SHINE 2013 review by the SPSC: The SPSC congratulates the NA61 Collaboration for the successful completion of the beryllium-on-beryllium data taking and the timely presentation of first results. The committee acknowledges the progress in the analysis and publication of the results of reference pp data and data relevant for neutrino and cosmic ray physics. (The Committee emphasizes the necessity of adequate support for the collaboration to consolidate the magnet performance of the experiment to be ready in time for the data taking in 2014.) Many thanks to all contributors to the impressive status report and Seweryn for the excellent talk !!
4 Hardware activities: Two Hardware upgrade workshops (Nov. 6-8, 2013 and March 3-5, 2014): To be ready by September PSD upgrade, - ToF HV upgrade, dead pixel repair, the laser system - vD monitoring system extension - DCS To be ready by summer 2015: - read-out (DRS4) upgrade, - F-TPCs - vertex detector VTX-1 and VTX-2 magnets should be ready on time for the November 2014 run (by September 2014)
5 Software Continues data and MC processing using the legacy software under Lxbatch Tests of the legacy reconstruction under CERNVM were completed. Tests of the Shine-based reconstruction under Lxbatch are almost completed The new MC chain is under test. The final goal: the Shine-based reconstruction and MC chains Running under CERNVM is to be reached.
6 Calibration Continues data calibration using the legacy calibration procedures under Lxbatch First tests of the new procedure of geo, T0 and VD calibration The final goal: the new Shine-based calibrations running under CERNVM is far away.
7 Analysis (Warsaw workshop, Feb , 2014) Substantial progress in many areas, in particular: - T0F-L/R and dE/dx analysis (p+p), - Be+Be analysis (PSD, asymmetry in y spectra), - phi analysis (p+p), - Lambda/K0s analysis (p+p), p+C and p+LT spectra - rho analysis in 2009 pion+C at 158/350 GeV/c
8 November 3 – December 15 (6 weeks out of 9 weeks for all users in H2): - beam/detector commissioning (1 week) (protons at 158 GeV/c) - PSD calibration (1 week) (muons at 158 GeV/c) - p+Pb at 158 GeV/c – physics (4 weeks) September 1 – 20 (3 week-long dry run): - detector commissioning (2 weeks) - data taking for the TPC Kr calibration (1 week) September 22-26: Collaboration Meeting at CERN
Winter: January 12 – March 16 (9 weeks, NA61 only): - Ar beam set-up (3 weeks) - Ar+Ca at 6 momenta – physics (6 weeks)
10 October 12 – December 1 (7 weeks): - beam set-up/detector com. (1 week) - p+Pb at 6 momenta GeV/c - physics (6 weeks) September 24 – October 12 (8 weeks): - beam set-up/detector com. (2 weeks) - USNA61 - physics (6 weeks) (not approved, addendum needed by October 2014) December 1 – December 7 (1 week): - Pb+Pb test run (1 week) Draft NA61 schedule 2015 Autumn:
11 Additional slides
12 News from Django on preparations of primary ion beams for NA61: Interlock system designed and built to prevent high intensity (proton) beams from being extracted to the North Area during primary ion runs – advancing as planned; prototype components tested; most cables pulled for the final system. – will be under test at the start-up 2014 Ar beam commissioned in the ECR source, RFQ, Linac3 – Ion intensity about 10 times higher than for Pb, with good stability over several weeks, not much tuning needed. – One week commissioning will be enough at restart; operation is simpler than for Pb, and no oven refill needed during the run. – Sputtering causes damage in several parts (i.e. plasma chamber) which now have to be considered “consumables”. Budget takes this into account. Xe beam being tested in South Africa (iThemba)
13 Ar run after LS1: current plan Early June 2014: Restart source + RFQ + Linac3 with Ar June 16th: Commission LEIR with Ar (8 weeks) August 11th: Commission PS with Ar (6 weeks) September-December: commission SPS with Ar, prepare extraction at 6 momenta (13, 20, 30, 40, 80, 158A GeV/c) January 2015: restart complex after Xmas shutdown (2 weeks) February-March 2015: Ar run for NA61 in SPS North Area (2 + 6 weeks) April 2015: Linac3 maintenance
14 Tentative planning for the Xe run Xe cannot be prepared in injectors in 2015: The Ar run followed by the Linac3 maintenance/repair then recommissioning of Pb in all injectors in view of the Pb-Pb run in LHC (currently planned for November 2015) Xe commissioning in Linac3, LEIR, PS & SPS early 2016 The Xe run for NA61/SHINE in momenta (13, 20, 30, 40, 80, 158A GeV/c)
15 Modification of the NA61 data taking plan needed ? November 2015: Pb+Pb test ? /15
proton period:
NA61 argon run:
proton period:
duty cycle: FT cycle (72 or 75%), beam (32 or 33%) 2015 during the LHC filling: FT cycle (67%), beam (15%) FT cycle: 10.8 sec with flattop 4.8 sec (4.8/10.8*0.72 = 0.32)
20 Summary of 2014/2015 SPS FT periods for physics: 2014: October 13 – December 15 - protons (all users) 2015: January 19 – March 19 – argon (for NA61 only) 2015: June 15 - December 1 – protons (all users)