Britain and the EU: In or Out? Learning Objectives: To understand the role of the EU. To come to a conclusion as to whether Britain should leave the EU.
How much do you know about the EU? In groups, using the whiteboards provided, discuss and write down your answers to each of the 5 questions.
How many members make up the European Union? A. 12. B. 22. C. 28. D. 32.
Which is the biggest EU country? A. Germany. B. France. C. Spain. D. Russia.
The EU has over 500 million inhabitants. A. True. B. False.
Approximately one third of EU MPs are women. A. True. B. False.
When is Europe Day celebrated? A. 1 st of February. B. 5 th of April. C. 9 th of May. D. 24 th of September.
How many members make up the European Union? A. 12. B. 22. C. 28. D. 32.
Which is the biggest EU country? A. Germany. B. France. C. Spain. D. Russia.
The EU has over 500 million inhabitants. A. True. B. False.
Approximately one third of EU MPs are women. A. True. B. False.
When is Europe Day celebrated? A. 1 st of February. B. 5 th of April. C. 9 th of May. D. 24 th of September.
The EU: What? O The Four Freedoms 1. Freedom of Goods – no barriers to moving goods. 2. Freedom of Capital – you could move money around freely. 3. Freedom of Services – lawyers, builders, hairdressers, any workers could move and find work freely. 4. Freedom of European Citizens – travel within Europe without passports (the Schengen area).
The EU: Why? O It began after WWII to foster economic co- operation with the idea that countries that trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other. O 1951 – founding members (Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Given the information provided, is the EU doing enough to stop conflict in Europe? Can you think of any examples of conflict that has happened recently or is happening now in Europe?
The EU: Future Plan O The 5 Presidents of the EU want the Eurozone to become one big country. O One, flag, one national anthem, one Head of State, one army, one people… O They hope to achieve this by How old will you be then? What problems might this bring about for identity?
Britain’s 2017 Referendum O What is happening? O What is a referendum? O Who will be able to vote?
Leaving the EU: Cons O Trade – easier and cheaper for British companies to export their goods to Europe. Would the savings outweigh the cost? O Free movement – opens up job opportunities for those who want to travel. O Influence – Britain may lose some of its military influence…the USA may consider it a less useful ally if its detached from Europe. O Britain would become ‘the scratchy outsider’.
Leaving the EU: Pros O ‘Holding us back’ – imposes many rules on business and high charge on membership fees. O Take back full control of its borders. O ‘Ever closer union’ – identity crisis? O More free economic market – free from EU’s renewable energy drive "freewheeling hub for emerging-market finance – a sort of Singapore on steroids” (The Economist).
"Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?"
It depends which way you look at it - or what you believe is important. Leaving the EU would be a big step - arguably far more important than who wins the next general election - but would it set the nation free or condemn it to economic ruin? Task Try to write a balanced argument, supporting reasons for and against Britain’s proposed withdrawal from the European Union. Which way would you vote and why?