From: Lamellar Macular Hole: A Clinicopathologic Correlation of Surgically Excised Epiretinal Membranes Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2011;52(12):9074-9083. doi:10.1167/iovs.11-8227 Figure Legend: Transmission electron micrographs of epiretinal tissue removed from lamellar macular holes with “dense” ERM. (A) Tissue composed of masses of collagen bands (black arrowheads) with compact undulations and sparse cell proliferation (white arrowheads) lacking the ILM. (B) Abundant clusters of fibrous long-spacing collagen (arrow) were found embedded in collagen bands (arrowhead). (C) Higher magnification of fibrous long-spacing collagen (arrow) embedded in native vitreous collagen fibrils regularly distributed with a mean fibril diameter of 15.6 nm (SD 2.9 nm; n = 10). (D) Vitreous strand with shortened and compactly sorted collagen fibrils at one side of the strand (arrowheads). Original magnification: (A) ×1800, bar = 5.6 μm; (B) ×4800, bar = 2.0 μm; (C, D) ×9500, bar = 1.0 μm. Date of download: 9/20/2016 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved.