일 Robert Burn s ( ~ ). 1. Brief Bio logy 1.1 Life Experience 1.2 Literary Achieve ments 1.3 Honors And Celebr ations 2. Poem Appr eciation.


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Robert Burns Written in 1794

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Presentation transcript:

일 Robert Burn s ( ~ )

1. Brief Bio logy 1.1 Life Experience 1.2 Literary Achieve ments 1.3 Honors And Celebr ations 2. Poem Appr eciation 2.1 Auld Lang Syne 2.2 A Red, Red Rose 2.3 To a Louse (虱子) Conte nts

|Life Experience| Early Life *born in the village of Alloway *Parents were farmers. *received a relatively good education *Hard physical labour Late Twenties *just 27,famous across the country *arrived Edinburgh,welcomed by wealthy friends

Late Lifes *work as an Excise Officer *make original composition,collect folk songs across Scotland *buried with full civil and military honors on the every day his son Maxwell was born

Literary Achievements *classified as a pre-Romantic p oet, influenced many writers( W illiam Wordsworth, Samuel Tayl or Coleridge, and Percy Bysshe Shelley,Allan Ramsay and Rob ert Fergusson) * became the "people's poet" of Russia,a source of inspiration for the ordinary, oppressed Russian people.

Honors and Celebrations 6

25 January---- a national holiday 7 Burns suppers the Haggis( 一种苏格兰布丁,把牛羊肉杂碎与麦片等放在羊肚中烹煮 的食品),addressed with Burns's poem Performances of Burns's songs and poems

Poem Appreciation 2 、 A Red,Red Rose O,my luve's like a red, red rose, 啊,我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰啊, That's newly sprung in June; 六月里迎风初开, O, my luve's like the melodie, 啊,我的爱人象支甜甜的曲子, That's sweetly played in tune. 奏得合拍又和谐。 As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, 我的好姑娘,多么美丽的人儿! So deep in luve am I; 请看我,多么深挚的爱情! And I will luve thee still, my dear, 亲爱的,我永远爱你, Till a' the seas gang dry. 纵使大海干涸水流尽。 Till a'the seas gang dry,my dear, 亲爱的,纵使大海干涸水流尽, And the rocks melt wi' the sun; 太阳将岩石烧作灰尘, I will luve thee still, my dear, 亲爱的,我永远爱你, While the sands o' life shall run. 只要我一息犹存。 And fare thee still, my only luve! 珍重吧,我唯一的爱人, And fare thee weel awhile! 珍重吧,让我们暂时别离, And I will come again, my luve, 但我定要回来, Though it were ten thousand mile. 哪怕千里万里! 1 、 Auld Lang Syne

Poem Appreciation 2 、 A Red,Red Rose compares to Chinese poem 《先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗 · 汉鼓吹曲辞 · 上邪》:山 无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合, 乃敢与君绝。 《敦煌曲子词 · 菩萨蛮》 : 枕前发尽千般愿,要休 且待青山烂,水面秤锤浮,直待黄河彻底枯。 白日参辰见,北斗回南面,休即未能休,且待三 更见日头。

3 、 To a Louse 《致谄媚者》 你尽夸结交了多少权贵, 说昨夜同侯爵碰杯 但跳蚤毕竟是跳蚤, 即使它爬进了王后的发缝。 O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion: What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us, An' ev'n devotion! And would some Power give us the gift To see ourselves as others see us! It would from many a blunder free us, And foolish notion: What airs in dress and gait would leave us, And even devotion!

Conclusion That Man to Man the warld o'er, Shall brothers be for a' that. ----Mary Ellen Brown,Indiana University