RECRUIT MENT SELECTI ON TRAININ G HUMAN RESOUR CE MANAGE MENT Training is expensive but without Training it is more expensive
Training is the process of enchancing the skill and knowledge of employees for the purpose of performing the specific job... Training is an organized activity for increasing the technical skills of the employees to enable them to do particular jobs efficiently.... Training is an organized activity for increasing the technical skills of the employees to enable them to do particular jobs efficiently....
The purpose of training is to convert the Actual skill of desire skill of Employees employees
NEED/IMPORTANT OF TRAINING Better performance Reduced learing time Increasing flexibility Attitude formation Boost up the morale Less chances of accidents
Types of Training Some of the commonly used training programs are listed below: 1. Induction training: Also known as orientation training given for the new recruits in order to make them familiarize with the internal environment of an organization. It helps the employees to understand the procedures, code of conduct, policies existing in that organization. 2. Job training: This training provides an overview about the job and experienced trainers demonstrates the entire job. Addition training is offered to employees after evaluating their performance if necessary.
3.Safety training Under the safety training trainer gives safety related information to the employees for performing the specific. 4. Refresher training: This type of training is given to the existing employees of company For awaring the latest technology nd pattern of performing a job. 5. Internship training. Under this training educational institute send their student to various companies for leaning practical knowledge of job.
Training Need Assessment Training needs assessment mean is to identify performance requirements and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an agency's workforce to achieve the requirements.
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