THE GEOCENTRIC WORLD PICTURE A old View of the Universe By Alexander Hasewend
THE FIRST ASTRONOM ARISTOTLE 384 – 322 BC He say the universe is stable and always will be
PTOLMEY 168 – 90 BC Began writing a star catalog, naming and describing the stars. This geometric model of the universe was accepted for many, many years.
Europe in the Middle Ages The People have no education The church determined the world picture She said what is good and what is bad The Earth is the center in the cosmos
The Earth is the center in the cosmos The earth is enveloped by a constant crystal sphere In the spheres, the planets and the sun revolve around the earth In the outer shell the fixed stars above the sky of the saints
Copernicus was first to explain the Earth has season He said the sun is in the middle of the universe Copernicus was the first astronomer to discover the distance between earth and moon During his lifetime, he was never given recognition for his Heliocentric model of the universe He write a book but the church have banned …
Galileo Galilei was the next great astronom Came 100 years after Copernicos Made his own telescope and improvid it First to point the telescope at the sky Discovered Jupiter`s 4 moons … Popularized the Copernican view of a heliocentric universe Wrote his books but the church warned him to stop writing books about the universe was heliocentric Galileo have big trouble with the church ….
In the night of 1572, Brahl see a new star. (It was an explosion of a star) This discovery would not be possible in the immovable crystal spheres.
Johannes Kepler Friends with Galileo Was Tycho Brahe`s assistent Tycho had told him, Let not me have lived in vain, becouse he wantet Kepler to prove the Copernican model wrong.
For this time endet the Geocentric view of the universe Thank you for listening! My name is Alexander Hasewend and a available for your questions