Applied Differentiated Instruction Plan Janice O’Donnell Post University EDU605: Differentiated Instruction
Overview of Educational Context Founded in 1907 Total Enrollment : 1450 students 86.7% white, 4.8% black, 4.5% Hispanic, 3.5% Asian Median Household Income - $117,577 Preparation: SAT scores in top 95% of Connecticut 97% graduation rate 93% graduates pursue higher education 22 Advanced Placement courses Project Lead The Way in science and engineering 15+ % students with IEPs and 504 accomodations
Plan and Rationale for Differentiated Instruction WHY? Mixed ability classrooms - different levels of readiness High performing students can move ahead Struggling students need scaffolded work On goal students get challenged just above their current level Students accomodations are met One classroom appeals to all students needs Result is higher interest and motivation in learning GETTING TO KNOW MY STUDENTS: Google Form at the beginning of the year Practices of highly successful mathematics teachers of underserved students found that teachers who focused on making an effort to connect to students personally and culturally (Bonner, 2014).
Pre-Learning Activity – Pretest Exponential Assess student readiness for working with exponents and percent increase/decrease
More Scaffolded - Direct ?s During-Learning Activity – Exponential Decay More Open – Complex ?s Algebra II Curriculum – Math (n.d.). PBS Mathline. (n.d.).
Post-Learning Activity – Day 2 Choose a ? to answer on Google Classroom a. Choose one recent technology and explain the reason why the growth in use is an example of exponential growth instead of linear growth. b. Choose one recent technology that has been growing exponentially and predict it’s growth over the next 5 years. Will it continue on an exponential path? Justify your answer. One question is application level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The second is analysis/sythensis, higher up the taxonomy. Students will be able to see each other’s responses. They can learn from other student’s arguments and justifications.
Content Process Product Solve Exponential Equations Write Exponential Equations Small Group Instruction - Collaborative Structured Notes – in Pairs Khan Academy - Individual By Readiness By Learning Style Performance Task Financing - Webquest Ball Bounce – Lab Activity Student/Teacher designed – interest driven By Interest
Additional Differentiation Strategies Anchor Activities (Khan Academy,) n.d. The activity should incorporate a monitoring system so the teacher and students can recognize the level of quality produced and any need for adjustment (ASCD Express, n.d.). Learning Menus Giving students these self- directed problems allow teachers to work with individual students that are struggling, or a small group of students.
Future Goals Provide more choice in learning tasks or assessments for students to appeal to student motivation and readiness levels Compacting in my alternate education program for motivation Give more formative assessments for purposes of flexible grouping and instructional strategies
The Need for Differentiation
References Bonner, E. (2014). Investigating practices of highly successful mathematics teachers of traditionally underserved students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 86(3), 377:doi: Algebra II Curriculum – Math.(n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2016, from PBS Mathline. (n.d.). Rhinos and M & M’s. Retrieved Octoboer 15, 2016, from: Konstantinou-Katzi P., Tsolaki, E., Meletiou-Mayrotheris, M. & Koutselini, M. (2013). Differentiation of teaching and learning mathematics: an action research study in tertiary education. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 44(3), :doi: Khan Academy (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2016, from: ASCD Express Managing Learning Time in... (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2016, from