Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy Parent’s Information Evening March 2014
What are SAT Tests and Why do children have to take them? KS2 SAT papers are taken by pupils in year 6 (when they are years old) as part of the National Curriculum assessment programme. KS2 SAT results are used by secondary schools to put the children into suitable sets for core subjects. They will also use these results to predict their GCSE grades. Children undertake KS2 SAT papers in two core subjects: English and Maths. These are broken down into 6 separate examined tests; 5 externally marked. EnglishMaths
Schools may also choose to hold Level 6 SAT assessments (in addition to their Level 3-5 SAT papers). In this scenario, we will consider a child's expected results before entering them for the Level 6 SAT tests as they should already be demonstrating an ability beyond Level 5. Previously, pupils also took papers in Science. Annual sampling tests in Science will now take place every two years, starting in 2014.Science
Importantly, the child must achieve a Level 5 in the Level 3-5 SAT tests and pass the corresponding Level 6 test in the same year to be awarded an overall Level 6 result. If the child does not pass the Level 6 SAT test they will be awarded the Level achieved in the Level 3-5 SAT test.
What are SAT Levels? Level 3: Below the nationally expected level of attainment for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 4: The nationally expected level of attainment for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 5: Above the nationally expected level of attainment for a pupil at the end of Year 6. At school, we also use sub-levels as a, b or c (a being the highest). Eg. A level 4c is a low level 4, a 4b is a secure level 4 and a 4a is a high level 4.
Literacy Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: Sample SAT papers for the new English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test will become available in late In December 2012 the STA will publish sample papers English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling SAT papers. Until then, the best reference material is the small test sample published in June This includes both Level 3-5 and Level 6 sample questions. Literacy Written: Pupils are no longer required to take an externally examined KS2 SAT Writing Test. Instead this will now be wrapped up into an externally moderated teacher assessment. Speaking and listening tests will continue to be teacher assessed. Numeracy Mental Test: A 20 minute mental arithmetic paper.
Numeracy Papers: KS2 Maths SATs papers (Level 3-5) comprise three formal papers, Test A (45 minutes, non-calculator), Test B (45 minutes, non-calculator) and mental test. A child's mark from all three papers are aggregated to create their overall Key Stage 2 Maths SATs level. As with Key Stage 2 English, schools can choose to administer the Level 6 Mathematics Tests in addition to the Level 3-5 tests. The Level 6 Mathematics tests consist of two papers Paper 1 – a non-calculator paper, lasting 30 minutes and Paper 2 – a calculator available paper also lasting 30 minutes. Children's marks from both tests are aggregated to determine whether they are performing at Level 6 in mathematics. CColdwell 2012
Literacy Tests Reading Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Separate levels for Reading and Writing are awarded, along with an overall level for Literacy.
Reading Test Examples Some questions will ask the children to find answers directly from the reading booklets they are given.
Others will require the children to deduce answers by using words or phrases as evidence.
Some questions will ask the children to evaluate what they have read, again using the text to back up their answers.
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Punctuation, sentence-grammar and vocabulary will all be assessed by a series of short-answer questions in a variety of formats. Some question formats will be familiar to children from the current English reading tests and some new ones will be introduced. The spelling test will assess around 20 words and will contribute towards the whole-test score. While different methods of administration are being trialled, the method selected will be broadly in line with spelling assessment in previous National Curriculum tests. A number of methods of testing handwriting are being trialled. If a decision is made to assess handwriting in the final tests the most appropriate method will be selected.
Level Circle all the adverbs in the sentence below. Open the drawers carefully and quietly when using the filing cabinet. 1 mark 2.Tick one word to complete the sentence below. Michael and Kate read their books ______________ they ate their sandwiches. Tick one. While which between during1 mark Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Examples
5. Look at this sentence: The shopping list said he should buy bread, butter, jam and tea. a) What is the name of the punctuation mark that is used after the words ‘bread’ and ‘butter’? b) Why is this punctuation mark needed in the sentence above? Tick one. to mark the start of a new clause to show that a word is missing to separate the items in a list to take the place of brackets 1 mark 1 mark
Numeracy Tests There are three tests:- The mental test (20%) Paper A -no calculator allowed (40%) Paper B -calculator allowed (40%)
The tests cover Levels 3-5 The first questions in the paper are generally Level 3 questions, moving on to Level 4, with the more challenging questions at the end of the papers targeted at Level 5.
Equipment allowed in each test No equipment allowed in the mental test. Pencil only. Children are allowed a pencil, ruler, tracing paper, protractor and mirror for Papers A and B, and a calculator for Paper B. They may not need to use all of these.
Mental Maths Test
Maths Test Examples
How You Can Support Your Child At Home: Sensible bedtime. Healthy diet – eat breakfast. Drink plenty of water at home and school. Encourage your child positively, without putting too much pressure on him/her. Support with homework – provide a quiet place for work, share the targets, refer to the study guides you loaned. Use revision guides and websites to support your child’s learning. Read with your child, discussing the content and choice of words the author has made. Ask your child questions about their reading, encouraging them to identify words or phrases to back up their answers.
Revision Websites BBC bitesize (Excellent site.) BBC Skillswise Topmarks Count On results results
Test dates The 2014 Key Stage 2 tests will take place from May. Schools have been asked to keep this period free for administering the tests. The levels 3-5 tests must be taken before the corresponding level 6 tests on the scheduled day. All children who are entered for a level 6 test must also complete the corresponding levels 3-5 test. Date Tests Monday 12 May - Levels 3-5 English reading test Level 6 English reading test Tuesday 13 May - Levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 14 May - Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 1 No level 6 tests timetabled for this day Thursday 15 May - Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 2 Level 6 mathematics Paper 1 Level 6 mathematics Paper 2