Science Space Week at Walsham Le Willows CEVC Primary School Staff planned collaboratively, after receiving feedback from two teachers from a course, to provide a full week’s activity around space and Tim Peake’s mission. Children loved dressing up to promote the planetarium and the space week’s activities. The event was reported in our local paper raising our profile within the local community. Year 1 and 2 children investigated how shadows were formed to develop their understanding of night and day. The planetarium Parents and children’s views were collected to evaluate the impact on children’s learning and enjoyment of science.
Science Space Week Every child made a rocket to their own design and measured the distance that it travelled. All children learnt about healthy eating and designed menus and food products for Tim Peake. Key Stage 2 children made a model of the solar system using fruit. Year 2 children recorded their ideas about gravity and watched clips of near zero gravity and the challenges this presents in space.
Cross curriculum links during space week Diary of an astronaut Following research Year 3 and 4 pupils wrote post cards from a planet KS2 children wrote letters to Mr Reshma explaining their scientific reasoning. Year 5 and 6 pupils thought about things that were precious to them (PSHE) Year 4 and 5 created pictures of planets Year 3 and 4 made models of the earth
Science Space Week at Walsham Le Willows CEVC Primary School Year 1 and 2 have planted “Rocket Seeds” and collected data about their growth. We hope to sell the lettuce to parents. A big, highly visible display was put up in the hall celebrating Space Week and different ways that pupils have recorded their work. Each class created their own space week display. Science scrapbooks were kept for every class to record all activities during Space Week.