Fall Open House Mrs. Taylor
Welcome to Kindergarten! Please be sure to sign in on the sign-in sheet. November 8 th – no parent teacher conferences –I will contact you if needed about your child’s progress. Look for information to come home about how your child is doing in the Wednesday folder.
PTO Meeting PTO meeting will be held in the cafeteria tonight at 6:50 Membership Drive –Levels start at $10
Class Subjects Your child will participate in the following: –Reading –Writing –Math –Science –Social studies –Music –PE –Art – every other Thursday –Library – Tuesdays –Integrated Technology
Reading We cover many skills in kindergarten that will help your child learn to read by the end of the school year. To help your child, you can –read to them every day, –practice letters and sounds every day, and –practice sight words as they are sent home throughout the year. The key is practice, practice, practice.
Letter Expert I will be sending home a letter expert packet and your child will become the “Letter Expert” for a specific letter. In this packet your child will be responsible for learning the sound that letter makes, how to write that letter correctly, reading a book with that specific letter, finding an object that starts with that letter and then sharing his/her findings with classmates.
Writing Students will be expected to write using the block style of print. Our handwriting curriculum is called Handwriting Without Tears. Students will also be expected to write using the proper case (upper/lower). This can be practiced by starting with their name. Writing in Kindergarten is… –Drawing a picture –Labeling a picture –Writing letters to match the sounds we hear –Writing a sentence –Writing a story
Math We will cover many concepts in math this year including graphing, counting, numbers, sorting, addition, and subtraction. To help your child you can: –practice counting, forwards and backwards –skip counting by 10’s –sorting everyday objects –writing numbers –putting things in order
Success Trackers Data Folder –Track student learning Letter identification, sounds, blends and digraphs Number and shape (2D/3D) identification Progression through writing development Sight words Reading skills development Attendance This helps students take ownership of their own learning and visually see their progress.
Social Studies School Community Rules and Procedures Families All About Me Community Helpers Flags and Pledges Friendship Texas Holidays Historical Figures Maps and Towns
Science Most of our topics are experienced through hands-on activities and labs. Magnets Simple Machines How things move Seasons 5 Senses Weather Animals Matter Natural resources Plants Life cycles Recycling Sound Light Heat Water
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have agreements to help us get along with each other. Our class agreements are: –Mutual Respect –Attentive Listening –Appreciations, no put downs –Right to Participate, Right to Pass
Visible Learning Our school is undergoing specific training to make our students understand their learning. Effective Learners are the goal (not just good students) Characteristics –Persistent, Never Give Up! –Self-Reflective –Embraces Challenge –Sets Goals –Curious, Asks Questions “The Learning Pit” We will discuss learning strategies to use when you get stuck learning something new.
Behavior Management Clip Chart System –Each student has a clothes pin. –Start each day on “Ready to Learn” –Move up for good behavior, down for not so good behavior –Color in folder = end of day color Benefits –Focuses more on the positive –Students can move their clips up and down throughout the day.
Behavior Management Trace’s Treats –Students can earn Trace’s Treats from any adult in the school for modeling good character. –Students can earn a big Trace’s Treat to put in a treasure chest for a drawing. –Students can earn extra rewards like a good note home from the teacher.
Conduct Your child will receive a grade in a general conduct which will be determined by how well your child can conduct their behavior in the classroom. There is also a grade given in the following areas: Following Directions, Uses Time Effectively, Participation in class, and Homework. The grading scale is as follows: E=Excellent S=Satisfactory N=Needs Improvement U=Unsatisfactory
Homework Your child will receive an orange homework folder every Monday. Please complete the packet and return it in the folder on Friday morning. Homework is most effective when you do a little every night, not all in one sitting. Work is not accepted early unless you know you will be out of school on Friday. The homework grade is affected by turning it in late.
Tardiness Instruction starts as soon as students enter the room at 7:45. If your student isn’t in the classroom by the time the second bell rings (8:15), please have them check in at the front office before coming to class. If your student is tardy four times, the school will contact you, usually by sending home a letter. On the 5 th tardy your student’s conduct grade will be dropped one letter.
Transportation Changes Send a note to school in the morning with your child clipped inside folder. In case of emergency transportation change call the front office at and they will send a note down. Do not call or me since I usually cannot check messages until after school.
Website Be sure to check my website and Metzler’s website. I post valuable information, pictures, and kid-friendly websites. Your child’s picture cannot be included if the photo box is marked on privacy sheet from the student handbook.
Remind 101 Receive text reminders from Ms. Combs –Text metzlerh to and join the class! Receive text reminders from Mrs. Taylor –Text 8286f9 to and join the class!
Attire Please be sure to include a change of clothes in your child’s backpack. Please don’t forget to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days. –Due to the nature of play at recess in Kindergarten flip-flops are not safe (even on Music days). Please send your child to school in sturdy shoes.
Scholastic Book Orders We will each send home book orders every month. –This is one of the best ways to get children excited about reading. –The books are usually lower than prices at local bookstores, plus they help me earn points to buy books for the classroom. You can pay by check or cash, or you can order online with a credit card. –When sending cash, please be sure to send exact change. –Checks should be made out to “Scholastic Book Orders”.
Birthdays Order cupcakes, cookies, or ice cream through Klein Food Service –Contact the nurse for more information Goodie bags are an acceptable non-food option. Class lists and invitations are not permitted per the district.
Parent Volunteers Must fill out criminal background check prior to volunteering You can assist with classroom needs by donating items from the class website. Send me an if you would like to help out in the classroom.