Corporate slide master With guidelines for corporate presentations Delivering a well-educated, skilled and employed Wales Huw Morris, Director of Skills, Higher Education and Lifelong Learning Welsh Government
WHAT EMPLOYERS ARE TELLING US Employer Skills Survey (2015) Employer Perspective Survey (2014) CBI/Pearson Education and Skills Survey (2015)
Workforce and the Labour Market Most employers feel their workforces are proficient and that they can get the skilled staff and skills support they need. Skills shortages noted in 24% of vacancies Skills gaps currently reported by 14% of employers Two-thirds of recruiting employers in Wales recruited young people. The most common channel for recruiting young people is word of mouth/recommendation. Nearly two-thirds of employers in Wales rate work experience as a critical factor looked for in candidates.
Employer satisfaction with school and college leavers CBI/Pearson Survey 2015
Training and Investment Welsh employers invested £2.1bn in training, equivalent to £2.8k per person trained and £1.8k per employee. 63% of employers arranged or funded training and 64% of staff in Wales received training. Around half (49%) of employers that trained would have liked to provide more training than they did. Main barriers were a lack of funding and being able to release staff for training. 13% of Welsh employers have or offer formal Apprenticeships.
Accessing Support 56% of Welsh establishments who train use commercial organisations. 27% of all Welsh establishments arranged or funded vocational qualifications. 13% of Welsh establishments who train use Further Education colleges. 8% of Welsh establishments who train use universities.
The Welsh Government Skills Offer Apprenticeships – all age support Jobs Growth Wales – young workers React III – job retraining support Flexible Skills Programme - targeted, strategic funding to support employers where needs cannot be met by programmes above Skills Priorities Programme - higher level skills delivered via Further Education colleges to meet employer need and backed by evidence in regional skills plans Higher education - HNDs, Degrees, Masters and Doctorates
Awareness and use of recruitment initiatives
North Wales Economic Ambition Board Skills Group Swansea Bay City Region/ Regional Learning and Skills Partnership Cardiff Capital Region/ LSKIP University College Connection to employer or school Future development Regional Skills Partnerships Contact details LSKIP - RLSP - NWEAB -
This map shows the three Regional Skills Partnerships and how they align with the City Region/Enterprise Zones Major infrastructure projects being planned by these bodies include:- Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power station Wrexham super prison M4 extension Rail electrification A40 and A55 improvements Swansea Tidal Lagoon Advanced manufacturing in Deeside There is a National Infrastructure plan which details all planned developments. This map shows the three Regional Skills Partnerships and how they align with the City Region/Enterprise Zones Major infrastructure projects being planned by these bodies include:- Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power station Wrexham super prison M4 extension Rail electrification A40 and A55 improvements Swansea Tidal Lagoon Advanced manufacturing in Deeside There is a National Infrastructure plan which details all planned developments. Anglesey Snowdonia Deeside Haven Waterway St Athan – Aston Martin Cardiff Airport Central Cardiff - HMRC, Metro and Moto Novo Ebbw Vale - TVR North Wales Economic Ambition Board Swansea Bay City Region Cardiff Capital Region/ LSKIP 4. Where are we going - major projects Neath Regional Skills Partnerships
Job growth areas Retail Accommodation and food Support services Professional services Health and social work And significant replacement needs In health and social work, retail, and education. 4. Where are we goingdemand for staff National Skills Forecasts ExpansionReplacementTotal Agriculture-10,700 14,200 3,500 Mining and quarrying ,100 Food, drink and tobacco 300 8,800 9,100 Engineering-5,100 6,100 1,000 Rest of manufacturing-10,000 36,800 26,800 Electricity and gas 500 2,200 2,700 Water and sewerage 1,900 4,700 6,600 Construction 8,600 35,700 44,300 Wholesale and retail trade 19,700 82, ,400 Transport and storage 1,400 19,100 20,400 Accomodation and food 10,100 37,200 47,300 Media-700 3,900 3,100 Information technology 2,100 6,700 8,800 Finance and insurance 5,400 12,100 17,400 Real estate 2,100 9,800 11,900 Professional services 8,900 27,900 36,700 Support services 9,100 35,500 44,500 Public admin and defence ,000 32,100 Education-1,500 58,100 56,600 Health and social work 7,100 85,700 92,800 Arts and entertainment 2,600 14,700 17,300 Other services 1,400 18,900 20,300 All 53, , ,000
Donaldson Reforms of School Curriculum All learners aged three to 16 Aims to develop: –ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives; –enterprising creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; –ethical informed citizens of Wales and the world; and healthy, –confident individuals ready to live fulfilling lives as valued members of society
Organised into six “areas of learning and experience”: expressive arts; health and wellbeing; humanities; languages, literacy and communication; maths and numeracy; and science and technology Introduces three “cross-curriculum responsibilities” – literacy, numeracy and digital competence – that would be expected of all teachers Donaldson Reforms of School Curriculum
Where to get advice and support? Information on skills and funding support Skills Assessment Tool Access to Labour Market Intelligence Sources of Job Matching
SUMMARY Education and skills development offer the prospect of productivity improvement and economic growth Regional Skills Partnerships are a key vehicle for gaining employer insight to influence provision In 2016 there will be a new programme of government focusing on key manifesto commitments We are keen to engage with employers to ensure we work in collaboration to deliver the skills the economy needs – Delivering a Skilled Wales