ACT State and District Testing The ACT Program Overview for South Carolina 2016 Presented by: Abby Montgomery Sr. Coordinator, Operational Program Management Please call (800) 260 – 0718 Access code for audio
2 Contact the Department for all policy questions. The statewide testing program tests grade 11 students. Grade 11 students are defined as students in their third year of high school after their initial enrollment in the ninth grade (based on the 9GR field). South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) Requirements
3 The testing population includes homebased, homebound, and home schooled students; suspended students; foreign exchange students; students in residential treatment facilities; and out of state students. SC-NCSC may be used as the alternate to The ACT for students who are alternate-assessment eligible. SCDE Requirements
4 SCDE Test Security Requirements will apply to this testing program. In the event of a test security violation, contact SCDE in addition to ACT, Inc. Test security agreement forms are posted on the SCDE webpage. SCDE Requirements
5 SCDE Contacts Program Manager Kevin Fatica Accommodations Anne Mruz
6 Overview ACT State and District Testing –2015/2016 Cycle Establishment Enrollment verification and Test staff agreement Identifying testing staff Off-site Proposals Training and preparing Training webcasts available, in school training takes place Live Q&A sessions The ACT taken online Accommodations applications and ordering materials Testing In school pretest session Initial Test Day: April 19 Makeup Test Day: May 3 Accommodations and Online Test WindowApril 19 – May 3 Reporting Student level reports School level reports District level reports State level reports
7 Schools participating in the ACT WorkKeys School Test Coordinator Estimated Enrollment Off-site locations previously approved Changes to Establishment Process for the ACT
8 The school test coordinator (TC) is the main contact for ACT Test Coordinator
9 Training
10 Training Expectations ucts-and-services/state-and-district- solutions/south-carolina.html
11 All appointed testing staff are expected to: View Pre-recorded Webcasts Training Opportunities
12 All appointed testing staff are expected to: SC Specific Accommodations recording and PPT Test Administration recording and PPT Participate in live question and answer sessions (webinar format) March 24 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time or April 14 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time Refer to the Schedule of Events for registration links Training Opportunities
13 The ACT Taken Online A few items to note: –Time limits for online testing are the same as the paper test –Scores from online testing mean the same thing as scores from paper testing –Schools must choose one mode of testing: Paper or online, you can not test both modes at your school for standard time. –Extended Time Testing Local arrangements are available –Technical requirements for online testing are posted on the ACT state testing website: nicalGuidefortheACTTakenOnline.pdf nicalGuidefortheACTTakenOnline.pdf –School must maintain admin rights on the computer –The last day to switch from online testing to paper: April 1, 2016
14 Accommodations
15 Fully reportable to: colleges scholarships agencies other entities Must have current at least one of the following: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Section 504 Plan ACT complies with Title III of the ADA Online Accommodations Application deadline: March 11, 2016 Material ordering deadline: March 16, 2016 ACT-approved Accommodations
16 Name change No ACT approval required Order specific materials and quantities needed Online order window: –March 1 – 16, 2016 Not College Reportable Non-college Reportable Accommodations
17 Both ACT Approved and Non-college Reportable Accommodations Online ordering One test booklet per accommodations examinee Quantity is subtracted to determine number of standard time test booklets Accommodations roster Accommodations Material Orders
18 Consistent with IEP, 504, official plan Examples: –Preferential seating (e.g. front of room) –Wheelchair access –Small group or individual testing –Drink, snack for examinee with medical need Refer to Administration Manuals for Standard Time and Special Testing Local Arrangements
19 Accommodations online ordering window –March 1 – 16, 2016 Application for ACT-Approved Test Accommodations receipt deadline (Must be received using the TAA online system) –March 11, 2016 Recommended date for STCs to download ACT approved accommodations roster –March 28, 2016 Late consideration applications –March 14 – April 6, 2016 Accommodations Deadlines
20 The total school enrollment becomes the base for determining the number of standard time materials to ship. Total # to be tested100 ACT-Approved- 10 Non-college reportable- 10 Standard Time 80 + overage How materials quantities are determined
21 The ACT Shipments
22 Non-Secure and Standard time secure scheduled to arrive the week of April 4, 2016 Non-secure paper testing materials Non-secure shipment for online schools Test booklets for standard time testing Secure accommodations scheduled to arrive the week of April 11, 2016 ACT-Approved material “kit” — includes all materials needed to test the examinee Non-college reportable Accommodations Different standard time test booklets will be sent to be used for makeup testing (if ordered) Materials Shipments
23 Material Shipments
24 Test Administration
25 Summary of Requirements document available on state website Off-site proposal Applications must be submitted by deadline ACT must approve site Test Facilities
26 School staff prepare answer documents with barcode labels The test coordinator will arrange an in-school pretest session for all examinees to complete The ACT non-cognitive information –Must be completed prior to the test day for paper testing –May be completed up to 4 days after testing for examinees testing online Prepare rooms per Administration manual instructions Prepare room rosters Organize materials Train staff Pretest Activities
27 Initial Test Day The ACT paper – Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Makeup Test Day The ACT paper– Tuesday, May 3, 2016 Accommodations Testing The ACT - April 19 through May 3 Online Testing The ACT - April 19 through May 3 The ACT with writing-allow for approximately 4 hours and 45 min for the test administration. The pretest session takes approximately 45 minutes. Test Dates
28 Individual Irregularity (may or may not require a call to ACT) –Prohibited Behavior –Failure to follow directions Group Irregularity (requires a call to ACT): –Interrupting a test –Disturbances and Distractions –Emergency Evacuation –Missing or stolen test materials –Mistiming Testing Irregularities
29 Refer to the Schedule of Events for scheduled materials pickup April 21Pickup from Initial Test Date May 5Pickup from Makeup Test Date and any accommodations materials not already returned Deadline for all materials to be returned: May 13, 2016 Materials Pick Up
30 Reporting
31 Student score reports mailed to examinee home High School student score reports, labels and Check List report Score released to colleges –3 - 8 weeks after receipt of answer documents District data file High School and District Profile reports Non-college reportable score letters –August 8, 2016 Reporting Schedule
32 Resources
33 State Testing Website services/state-and-district-solutions/south-carolina.html services/state-and-district-solutions/south-carolina.html s –Add the suffix to your spam filters Save that Schedule of Events! General
35 ACT Test Administration – Standard Time – x2800 ACT Test Administration – Accommodations – x1788 South Carolina ACT State Testing Website – services/state-and-district-solutions/south- carolina.htmlhttp:// services/state-and-district-solutions/south- carolina.html Resources