MY EXCHANGE STUDENT Rocío González-Amadios Marín, nº 14 2º C
MY EXCHANGE STUDENT My exchange student is a girl. Her name is Vanessa Kraatz. She is 14 years old. She has got two brothers. They live with their father in her father’s house. She loves listening to music, meeting friends, drawing…
HER DAY She usually gets up at six o’clock in the morning. She goes to school by train. When the school finishES at half past one, she goes back home by train. She doesn’t often has lunch. In the afernoon she does her homework and she meets friends or she stays at home all afternoon. She doesn’t often has dinner. She usually goes to bed at half past ten.
HER WEEKEND They usually stay in her mother house. She can go shopping, go to the cinema, stay at home…
DIFFERENCES They usually get up earlIer than us. They haven’t got time TO eat. They DON´T have a shower everyday. All girls make up.
LIKES AND DISLIKES I like very much their school, because they have got a lot of free time. I don’t like the food, because they eat a lot of sweets, fast food...