Unlock Career | Unlock Pathway | Unlock Opportunities The Online Study Pathway Australia (OSPA) is one of the few facilitators in Australia that is helping students in providing education through VET FEE-HELP approved education providers.
About OSPA Online Study Pathway Australia (OSPA) provides new and exciting opportunities that cater to every career passion and students learning style. OSPA is Australia's young and dynamic organization in facilitating online learning environment through approved VET FEE HELP educational institutes. We support you along the way to help you achieve your career goals. Research has shown there are significant economic as well as other benefits of studying vocational courses. Most professions require some further education. An online vocational course will increase your chances of finding a job and will lead towards your career of choice. Start your journey towards a rewarding and successful future today. Studying with OSPA is perfect for people with busy lifestyles, and those wishing to work and learn for themselves. We measure our success in the success of our students.
OSPA Mission Our Mission is to inspire people to transform their lives through education, in an innovative, supportive and empowering environment. We exceed student expectations by tailoring our diverse variety of services to suit every need. OSPA Vision To be recognized as an expert provider of high quality educational services, encouraging and motivating students to reach their true potential and become Australia's leading authority in VET educational services through approved VET FEE approved providers. Our Values LOCAL KNOWLEDGE: Qualified and committed team with years of experiences. ENERGETIC APPROACH: “Funnel approach" of teaching, where we start out very general and gradually become more and more specific as the students learn how to analyze the information. ATTENTION TO DETAIL: Bridging the gap between your experience and industry expectations. STRONG RELATIONSHIPS: Lasting partnerships with industry helps students to achieve their objectives and goals. CREATIVE RESOURCEFULNESS: Blending creativity in resources to surpass expectations.
Online Courses HR Management Courses Business Courses Accounting Courses Hospitality Courses Information and Technology Courses Management Courses Marketing Courses STUDY NOW PAY LATER
Why Online Study Pathway Australia Job Ready Training Our educational partners courses are designed in a way to suit students at all levels. OSPA is committed to providing students with an industry top education. Flexible Tailored Courses Did you know 1000's of jobs are available for qualified professionals with fantastic pay and benefits? We support you Gaining a qualification is just part of the package. OSPA, with help of educational partners, offers you flexible study options to suit your needs. Browse our range of courses to find one that suits your career goals & pathways.
CONTACT A CAREER ADVISOR NOW We'll call you at a time that suits and discuss all your study and career options. Online Study Pathway Australia Suite 24, Level 2, , George Street, Sydney 2000 OSPA is acting as facilitator between Student & Registered Training Organization in providing online education services. We do not deliver any courses at OSPA. However courses we are facilitating through RTO are approved under VET FEE HELP /FEE HELP Scheme. Telephone: | Fax: Web: Follow us Facebook: VETFEEHELPOnlineCourses.OSPA Linkedin: au.linkedin.com/in/onlinestudypathwayaustralia