National Physical Activity Update Maureen Kidd Health Improvement Programme Manager HEAL
Two-Way Communication
So many ways of being active!
Most people are not active enough to benefit their health
National Performance Framework Local Authorities are most important delivery agency for PA 15 strategic objectives – 3 directly relevant to PA but in others has contribution to make 45 National Indicators – 8 directly relevant to PA but in others has contribution to make
Information Exchange Act as a national forum for sharing ideas, promoting discussion and stimulating debate Information Dissemination Existing evidence, policy & practice. Central hub resources, tools & links Build Capacity Across The Physical Activity Workforce Provide opportunities to enhance knowledge, enable learning & improve practice National Forum sharing ideas, promoting discussion and stimulating debate
NOW OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS! Deadline Friday 8 th April – 12 noon Nominate online at Complete a nomination form today Physical Activity Awards
Strategic Review Planning for next Review Period Annual Report Card (possible collaboration with BHF National Centre) Evidence base – UK Guidelines, exercise on referral; economic argument Other related strategies
Advocacy Working Group facilitated by PAHA Workshop held Jan 2011 to gather views First draft in writing for wider consultation Launch of SPAAC at June PAHA Conference
Games Health Legacy New ‘Active Scotland’ planning framework in development Sector contributions New partnerships and collaborations = added impetus and profile for LMSMA
Priority Groups Ministerial Summits for Older Adults and Teenage Girls held in 2010 Outcomes-based planning for SG-funded national projects
We’re listening!